Regenerative Agriculture Is Essential to Our Sustainability Goals

Iain Watt shares signs of momentum in regenerative agriculture, and calls for greater commitment from corporates.

Author: Iain Watt | Published: December 4, 2017

In amongst all the worrying trends and ominous signals that keep us on our toes here at Forum for the Futurethe potential for the world’s soils to suck up some of the excess carbon that’s currently making mischief in the atmosphere shines as a genuine ray of hope.

The various approaches and technologies that might be used to return carbon to the planet’s soils (from no-till agriculture; through compost- and biochar-application; to agro-forestry and innovative livestock rotation practices) also promise a wide range of further benefits — from improved soil health through to better water management, via a significant boost to biodiversity.

Moreover, if we embrace an approach that treats farmers, rural communities and indigenous peoples fairly, and which ensures a living wage, we move into win-win-win territory.

All of which means that regenerative agriculture — agriculture which aims to put more into the environment and society than it takes out — is now near the top of the list of things that society should be exploring and embracing.

Regenerative agriculture takes advantage of soil as a carbon sink, improves soil quality, and produces more nutritious food in ways that make it not only better for the people who consume it, but also for those working to produce it.