How to Save the World: Turning a Big Negative into a Big Positive
Whenever speaking at a conference, I would often get the same anguished question from an audience member: what’s the one thing I can do to save the world?
My answer for many years was a recommendation to vote with your pocketbook for local farms and ranches that provided grassfed food, improved their soil health, reduced their carbon footprints, employed predator-friendly practices, were holistically-managed, or did environmental restoration work on their land.
Starting in 2009, however, my answer became much simpler. That’s because I had become aware of the links between land use and climate change via a report from the Worldwatch Institute (see
) that changed my life. If you have a chance, take a look at this publication – it’s still totally relevant.
Normally, healthy soils have a healthy fraction of carbon in them (6-8% typically). When land is disturbed or degraded, however, much of that carbon leaves the soil and enters the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.