COP15 Desertification Conference Ends in Abidjan

**The COP15 against desertification ended Friday in Abidjan with 38 decisions adopted to invest in land restoration and drought mitigation.**

After almost two weeks of talks on key themes like desertification or drought, Mauritanian Executive Secretary of the Conference of the parties, reiterated the need for effective steps to prevent further land degradation.

Beyond the technical terms and discussions, all is really about life. It’s about our well-being. Knowing that 40% of the planet’s land surface is already damaged by human activity, I think, calls for action. So this COP is also a call to action on two major issues: land restoration and drought.

COP15 brought together leaders from governments, the private sector and civil society with a target for finding sustainable solutions for land restoration. However, climate activist Jean Claude Brou, climate activist regretted the absence of key witnesses who notice first-hand the effects of land degradation.