The Case for Regenerative Agriculture in Germany—and Beyond
In a world where the effects of global warming are on the rise and where pressure to mitigate them is growing rapidly, the global agri-food system faces a major problem.
It is, of course, vital to the survival of the world’s billions of people as a source of both food and livelihoods. But at the same time, its contribution to climate change and biodiversity loss is immense, and it is among the industries most affected by these ecological crises.
Regenerative agriculture, we argue, is the only approach to farming that can overcome the agriculture industry’s status quo by significantly reducing the industry’s negative environmental impact on our land and climate, increasing its positive impact, and economically benefiting the entire agri-food value chain—from farmers to food manufacturers to retailers to consumers.
In Germany, the economic, social, and regulatory pressure on the agriculture system is especially intense.