National Farm to School Month

National Farm to School Month

October is National Farm to School Month! Join us and thousands of schools, early care and education sites, farms, communities and organizations across the country as we celebrate food education, school gardens and lunch trays filled with healthy, local ingredients. Here are several easy ways to get involved:
  • Be Inspired: Follow the National Farm to School Network on our blogFacebookTwitter and Instagram to see inspiring examples of farm to school success and innovation.
  • Get Involved: Explore our national calendar of Farm to School Month events to see how you can celebrate in your state. If you are hosting events for Farm to School Month, we encourage you to submit them to the calendar!
  • View Official Merch: Visit our National Farm to School Month storefront for exclusive apparel, stationary, and more, specially designed to help you celebrate!
  • Spread the Word: Shout out about farm to school and share what you’re doing for National Farm to School Month with the hashtags #F2SMonth and #farmtoschool on social media.
  • Explore Resources: Check out our free resources for planning and promoting celebrations in your community, including our Farm to School Month Celebration Toolkit, customizable posters and bookmarks, stickers and more. This year, all of the Farm to School Month artwork on our posters, stickers, and bookmarks has been beautifully redesigned by artist Rachel Yumi Chung.

Happy National Farm to School Month!