Estimated Animal Agriculture Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Manure
Animal agriculture manure is a primary source of nitrogen and phosphorus to surface and groundwater. Manure runoff from cropland and pastures or discharging animal feeding operations and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) often reaches surface and groundwater systems through surface runoff or infiltration. Permitting discharging CAFOs to limit nitrogen and phosphorus discharge to surface waters, and implementing best management practices outlined in a manure management plan are critical steps to protecting water quality. This indicator shows animal agriculture manure produced in states in 2007 and 2017 (the year of the last Census of Agriculture) and expressed in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus content, rather than total amounts of manure, since different animal types produce manure with differing nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Data are for cattle, swine, poultry (chickens and turkeys), sheep, and horses. Data are presented as 1000s of kg of manure nitrogen and phosphorus as well as kilograms of manure nitrogen and phosphorus per km2 of farmland.