Entries by Jaime Leigh Johnson and Jacqueline L Raw

Natural Climate Solutions: How 4 Global Companies Leverage Nature to Tackle the Climate Crisis

It’s 2020. We’ve officially entered the defining decade to tackle the climate crisis. As businesses ramp up climate action commitments through science-based targets and net-zero or carbon neutral goals, they are realizing there are untapped opportunities to work with nature instead of against it. Nature-based climate solutions will provide the lever of change to make faster progress toward those goals, and it just might help them go above and beyond.

Healthy Soils Lead to Healthy Food and Added Value for All

Nutrient density, however, considers the health of the soils that are producing the crops. The thought is that healthier soils that use cover crops instead of chemical weed control, or no-till over conventional tillage, or other regenerative agriculture practices, will produce crops that contain more nutrients for humans to consume.

Una Visita a la Granja de Frutas Orgánicas Regenerativas de André Leu en Queensland

Cuando André Leu compró su granja de 150 acres hace 20 años en la región de Daintree, en el norte de Australia, la tierra se había degradado y la selva tropical nativa había sido destruida. Sabía que la mayor parte de la propiedad valdría mucho más si la devolvía al bosque primario natural, así que eso fue lo que hizo. Hoy, 100 acres han sido devueltos a la selva tropical y él cultiva más de 100 especies diferentes de frutas tropicales en los otros 50 acres.

Why Ecosystem Restoration Comes First in the New Business Models

We live in an age dominated by human presence. We, humans, have a significant impact on the earth’s geology and ecosystems. Mostly, this is framed as bad news, but you can also argue it’s good news.
Humans have a very bad impact now, yes. But that also means we can do better, much better! And it’s up to us to explore why, how and what.