Entries by Courtney White

Soil Health Hits the Big Time!

Since the UN climate summit in Paris in 2015 and the resulting plan to improve food security and fight climate change with soil carbon called the ‘4 For 1000 Initiative’, a number of legislative bills have been passed and signed into law around the nation giving momentum to the soil health movement. Hopefully, more states (and eventually Congress) will join this exciting wave of initiatives that encourage soil health – on which all life on earth depends.

Sue Lani Madsen: Investing in Soil Health Is an Investment in the Future

We’ve been treating soil like dirt for too long. Dirt needs to be fed in order to produce. Healthy soil contains tens of thousands of microbes pulling carbon out of the atmosphere and turning it into food for themselves and for us. Focusing on common ground over food is a healthy way to start the new year. It’s a place where government is, as is often the case, both the problem and part of the potential solution.

The Key to the Environmental Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet

The bottom line is that saving the planet from environmental destruction is not only achievable, but that by focusing on regenerative agriculture and tapping up the central bank for funding, the climate crisis can be addressed without raising taxes and while restoring our collective health.

Why Fake Meat and Eliminating Livestock Are Really Bad Ideas

Our chemical and fossil fuel-intensive system of industrial agriculture is belching out 43 to 57 percent of the greenhouse gas pollution that has dangerously destabilized our climate. CAFOs are primary drivers of deteriorating public health as well. Filthy, inhumane, polluting factory farms mass produce approximately 90 to 95 percent of the meat and animal products consumed in America today. To end this degenerate food system, join the growing movement and consumer boycott of all factory-farmed meat, dairy and poultry products, not just at the grocery store, but in restaurants as well — and not just occasionally, but every day.