From 15th to 17th November 2023, 49 of the most experienced regenerative farmers from 20 countries across Europe will come together at the Farmers’ Castle Kirchberg/Jagst, Germany, to join forces and found the farmer-led European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA).
EARA has grown organically out of the emerging European ecosystem of regenerative pioneers, consecutively meeting at the Climate Farming Conferences at Akademie Schloss Kirchberg/Jagst, Germany in 2021 and 2022. The wish for and drive to build a stronger, sovereign and future-oriented European community of regenerative agriculture emerged clearly there.
The alliance will be a farmer-led coordination and political advocacy organisation of the movement of regenerative agriculture at the European level. It is firmly rooted in its pioneering farming stewards from all of Europe’s diverse agroecological, -economic, and -cultural contexts.
From this base of ‘unity in diversity’, just as in healthy soils, we grow the community and solidarity between pioneering and future farmers for regeneration in Europe.
In a time when political decisions fail to solve the ‘trade-off’ between the regeneration of ecosystems and agricultural productivity, regenerative farmers show that resilient and high quality yields are best achieved through ecosystem regeneration with various co-benefits on health and climate change mitigation.
EARA serves to make the voices of farming pioneers central in relevant political discourses to guide stakeholders’ decision-making in the EU member states as well as in EU institutions towards the urgently needed regenerative transformation of our agri-food system in Europe and beyond.
We consider you a part of this community and a future ally in the work towards our shared cause.
We will soon send you more information and invite you to discuss possible paths of collaboration together.
Thank you most kindly for your patience and your daily work for a better world.