The Mexican government and new President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador are moving forward with plans to transform its agriculture system to achieve self-sufficiency in basic grains and strengthen rural livelihoods. The first phase of the program includes guaranteed prices for corn, wheat, rice, beans and milk produced by small-scale farmers, around two million, linked to community stores around the country. Please join Enrique Perez from the Asociación Nacional de Productores Empresariales del Campo (ANEC, a member of the broad-based Campesino Movement), with translation by Manuel Perez Rocha from the Institute for Policy Studies; Tim Wise from the Small Planet Institute (and author of the new book Eating Tomorrow: Agribusiness, Family Farmers, and the Battle for the Future of Food); and Karen Hansen-Kuhn from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy for a discussion of this ambitious program, some potential roadblocks, and the lessons it could hold for fair and sustainable production in the U.S. and beyond. Read Karen’s blog Bold farm plans in Mexico offer a ray of hope in 2019 to learn more about this.