The world is losing topsoil at an alarming rate, with estimates suggesting a loss of 24 billion tons of fertile soil annually. As soil degrades, its ability to produce food diminishes. Around 52% of agricultural land is already moderately or severely affected by soil degradation, and the cost to the global economy is staggering. It’s estimated that $400 billion per year is lost in agricultural productivity, decreased crop resilience, and increased need for fertilizers and soil amendments.
Fortunately, there is a path forward that protects soil, improves the nutrient density of food, considers the welfare of farm animals, and safeguards the health and well-being of farmworkers–certified regenerative organic agriculture. Join Rodale Institute Pocono Organics, the ROC Certified Regional Resource Center in Rodale Institute’s nationwide network of farms, and representatives of the Regenerative Organic Alliance on World Soil Day for a conversation among farmers and scientists in celebration of soil. This panel discussion, entitled “Loyal to the Soil”, will highlight Rodale Institute’s current soil research and the achievements and research of our partners at Pocono Organics. We will identify the dangers facing our top soil, and discuss the promise of the work of farmers who utilize regenerative organic certified agriculture to protect our soil and positively impact human health.