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Regenerative Agriculture Conference

Billings, MT, USA

An increasing number of people are actively seeking out food options that are not only good for the planet but also benefit the well-being of farmers and ranchers, and local communities. Make sure you poise your operation to take advantage of this swing by attending the 2024 Expanding Markets Conference in Billings, Montana.

Catch and Cover Cropping Successes and Failures

Holme Wood Lodge, Old North Road, Stilton, PE7 3SB

Join Toby Simpson for a post-harvest/pre-drilling look at a range of summer cover, catch crop, and cover crop successes or failures! “We will explore the good, bad and ugly following what is likely to be another challenging harvest.

Bhoomi 2024, Living Seeds, Living Soil – Navdanya Biodiversity Farm

Navdanya Biodiversity Farm, Dehradun, India

BHOOMI 2024. This year's annual Navdanya Bhoomi Festival will take place on the beautiful Navdanya Farm. Come celebrate the harvest with music, dance, and food, as we honor living seed, living soil, and Mother Earth. WIth Vandana Shiva and other guests.

Cayendo Juntos / Jem Bendell

CDMX, Mexico

El 10 de octubre estará en Huerto Roma Verde Jem Bendell para presentar su nuevo libro Cayendo Juntos, Jem es uno de los activistas y pensadores ambientales más importantes, su libro Deep Adaptation se convirtió en un hito en el medio ecologista y sus revelaciones, muchas de ellas sobre el tema de los océanos son importantes. Regístrense hay cupo limitado es gratuito.

Regenerative Agriculture 5 day crash course

Murcia, Spain

We believe that the best way to learn about Regenerative Agriculture is not just by learning about a bunch of facts, but by truly experiencing with your own eyes, ears and nose what Regenerative Agriculture is and what it can do for you and the planet. We also believe that connecting with leading pioneers in the field makes a world of difference. That’s why we’ve designed this week for you to do precisely that.

People’s Food Summit 2024

Online event

Join us for the fourth annual People’s Food Summit on October 16, 2024, a 24-hour world-wide celebration of World Food Day. This unique event brings together dynamic speakers from every corner of the world, sharing crucial insights into regenerative agriculture.

The People’s Food Summit strengthens global connections among like-minded organizations, fostering collaboration and exchanging knowledge. Our aim is to inspire hundreds of thousands to engage in the regenerative agriculture movement by sharing success stories and groundbreaking initiatives.

Regenerate, Innovating for a Resilient Future (Hybrid)

Denver, Colorado, USA

Each year, Quivira Coalition, Holistic Management International, and the American Grassfed Association collaborate to convene ranchers, farmers, conservationists, land managers, scientists, and thought leaders to share knowledge, build community, and create a culture of resilience and regeneration.