·Arnaud Apoteker, Former GMO Expert for Greenpeace and the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament.
·Françoise Boulègue, Film editor for M2R Films.
·Valerie Cabanes, Spokesperson for End Ecocide on Earth and co-author of “Crime climatique stop!”.
·Ronnie Cummins, International Director of the Organic Consumers Association and member of Regeneration International.
·Tjerk Dalhuisen, Secretary of Action for Solidarity Environment Equality and Diversity.
·Luigi D’Andrea, Executive Secretary of Alliance Suisse pour une agriculture sans genie génétique.
·Esther Gerber, Biologist and member of the Forum Civique Européen.
·Benny Haerlin, Former member of the European Parliament, campaign coordinator of “Save Our Seeds” campaign.
·Hans Rudolf Herren, 1995 World Food Prize winner, Right Livelihood Award 2013, President of the Millennium Institute and Biovision, and member of Regeneration International.
·Hannes Lammler, Agronomist, member of the Forum Civique Européen and campaigner for Falea21- Mali.
·René Lehnherr, IT Specialist, member of the Forum Civique Européen.
·Gilles Lemaire, Member of the commission on ecology and society of Attac France.
·Corinne Lepage, Lawyer, Honorary President of Institute CriiGen, former French Minister of the Environment and former Member of the European Parliament.
·Andre Leu, President IFOAM Organics International and member of Regeneration International.
·Michel Pimbert, Executive Director of the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University.
·Marie-Monique Robin, Filmmaker, TV journalist, writer, and author of “The World According to Monsanto”.
·Bessie Schadee, President of Network Vital Agriculture and Nutrition and member of Gezonde Gronden (Netherlands).
·Mindi Schneider, Sociologist, Agronomist, and Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Hague, Netherlands.
·Doro Schreier, Founder of Netzfrauen.
·Ruchi Shroff, Coordinator of Navdanya.
·Olivier De Schutter, Professor at the Louvain University (Belgium), Jurist, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (2008-2014), member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
·Gilles-Eric Séralini, Scientist, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Caen, and Director of the Scientific Council of CriiGen.
·Vandana Shiva, Right Livelihood Award 1993, Sydney Peace Prize 2010, Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize 2012, Founder of Navdanya, and member of Regeneration International.
·François Veillerette, Spokesperson for Générations Futures, President of the Pesticide Action Network Europe.