2024foodsummit FINAL

Thank you all for making this year’s People's Food Summit a success!

Our session videos garnered millions views across social media platforms.

Help support our work in organizing future 24-hour food summits.

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Coming soon! The Fourth Annual People’s Food Summit Hosted by Regeneration International

Join us for the fourth annual People’s Food Summit on October 16, 2024, a 24-hour world-wide celebration of World Food Day. This unique event brings together dynamic speakers from every corner of the world, sharing crucial insights into regenerative agriculture.

The People’s Food Summit strengthens global connections among like-minded organizations, fostering collaboration and exchanging knowledge. Our aim is to inspire hundreds of thousands to engage in the regenerative agriculture movement by sharing success stories and groundbreaking initiatives.

Our hopes for this year’s event:

•Fostering knowledge exchange
•Building lasting partnerships between organizations
•Sparking citizen-led research and storytelling initiatives
•Supporting the scale-up of impactful projects
•Extending the reach of essential information to even more people

Discover the exciting lineup of this year’s speakers.
As we gear up for the 24-hour global event, we’re also featuring some of last year’s standout speakers.

Catch their interviews here.

7*Streaming Schedule*

Session #1 - Asia Pacific (GMT+12)

Local Time: Tokyo (2pm) — Mumbai (10:30am) — London (6am) — Bogotá (12am) — Chicago (12am)

Session #2 - Europe (GMT+11)
Local Time: London (3pm) — Tokyo (6pm) — Mumbai (2:30pm) — Bogotá (5am) — Chicago (5am)

Session #3 - Africa (GMT+3)
Local Time: Nairobi (5pm) — Tokyo (11pm) — Mumbai (7:30pm) — London (3pm) — Bogotá (9am) — Chicago (9am)

Session #4 - North America (GMT-5)
Local Time: Chicago (1pm) — Tokyo (3am) — Mumbai (11:30pm) — London (7pm) — Bogotá (1pm)

Session #5 - Latin America (GMT-3)
Local Time: Buenos Aires (7pm) — Tokyo (7am) — Mumbai (3:30am) — London (11am) — Bogotá (5pm) — Chicago (5pm)

Speaker Lineup

(Times are subject to change)


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Prof. Dr. André Leu D.Sc.
Regeneration International - Australia
Link to Talk

Dr. André Leu, D.Sc., was named international director of Regeneration International in 2017. Previously, he was president of IFOAM—Organics International, the international umbrella organization for the organic sector. During 50-plus years of visiting and working in more than 100 countries, André acquired an extensive knowledge of farming and environmental systems across Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Australasia. He and his wife, Julia, run an organic tropical fruit farm in Daintree, Australia. Link to Bio

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Tim Marshall
Organic Consumers Association of Australia
Link to Talk


From Roots to Regeneration: The Past, Present, and Future of Organic Agriculture

Co-founder and immediate past Chair of the Organic Consumers Association of Australia. Tim Marshall is the author of the best selling compost book, Compost: the ultimate organic guide to recycling your garden, and three other books, Bug, Weed and The New Organic Gardener. Tim has visited over 1,000 certified organic farms in Australia and more than 1,500 certified organic farms in 25 other countries. Peter Cundall says: ‘Tim Marshall has long been a legend in Australia as an outstanding communicator, writer and broadcaster, specialising in organic techniques’. Link to Bio



Swati Renduchintala
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On 'The Nature' of Nature

Swati Renduchintala is currently an Associate Scientist with World Agroforestry (CIFOR – ICRAF) and has been working with the Andhra Pradesh Community-managed Natural farming programme for the last 5 years. Her work includes thinking about changes in food systems as well as looking at complex issues in this field through systemic lenses. As a Rural Management professional, she has worked with communities and women collectives in rural areas in India. Link to Bio

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Karen Mapusua
IFOAM - Global
Link to Talk


Driving Transformative Change: IFOAM’s Vision for Sustainable Agriculture

Karen began her career as a High school teacher of history and social studies in Tonga and Australia. Now she is the Director of the Land Resources Division(LRD) of the Pacific Community, based in Suva. The Land Resources Division provides technical and scientific support to 22 Pacific countries and territories on all aspects of agriculture and forestry from genetic resources to markets.  Prior to this role she was Operations Manager for the Division. Currently she is President of the IFOAM Organics International World Board and has previously served on the Board of Directors of Fairtrade Australia New Zealand, she is a national of Samoa and Australia. Link to Bio

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Dr Van Kien Nguyen
Mekong Organics - Australia
Link to Talk


From the Mekong Delta to Global Markets: On Advancing Ecological Organic Agriculture

Dr Van Kien Nguyen is an honorary senior lecturer at ANU Fenner School of environment & Society (2020-2024). Dr Kien is also an adjunct senior research fellow at the School of Environmental & Rural Sciences, University of New England where he leads the ACIAR/IDRC funded project in Food Losses & Watse in the Catfish Pangasius Value Chain in the Mekong Region (2021-2025). Link to Bio



Vandana Shiva
Navdanya International - India
Link to Talk


On 'The Nature' of Nature

Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocat, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (India) and President of Navdanya International. Link to Bio




Ashleigh Brown
Ecosystem Restoration Communities - Global
Link to Talk

The Work of Ecosystem Restoration Communities and How They Are Helping Especially the Young and Those New to Regeneration Find a Ground for Experiences and Knowledge

Ashleigh Brown is a Co-Founder and Education Coordinator of Ecosystem Restoration Communities, a global grassroots movement of locally led and initiated ecosystem restoration and regenerative agriculture initiatives. Her role is to support these initiatives to exchange knowledge and information with one another, as well as to help the ERCs conceive of and offer trainings to their communities to create a huge wave of new ecosystem restorers around the world. Link to Bio



Daniel Christian Wahl
Link to Talk

The State of Regenerative Movement in Europe, Hurdles and Important Pillars Needed to Move the Movement Forward 

Daniel Christian Wahl is one of the catalysts of the rising reGeneration and the author of Designing Regenerative Cultures - so far translated into seven languages. He works as a consultant, educator and activist with NGOs, businesses, governments and global change agents. With degrees in biology and holistic science, and a PhD in Design for Human and Planetary Health, his work has influenced the emerging fields of regenerative design and salutogenic design. Winner of the 2021 RSA Bicentenary Medal for applying design in service to society. Awarded a two year Volans-Fellowship in 2022. Link to Bio

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Sheila Darmos
Holistic Farmer - Greece
Link to Talk

A Chat About the Newly Formed Alliance, Roles and Influence It Would Bring to the Movement in Europe. Possible Ways of Partnering With Networks Like RI and What Are the Opportunities

Sheila Darmos is a third generation farmer and a social entrepreneur in the agri-food sector and civic engagement field in Greece. Her key focuses lie within her lived physical and social environment, namely the farming and rural communities, and thus a systemic approach to enable transitions towards regeneration in a holistic way. Link to Bio



Simon Kraemer
EARA - Germany
Link to Talk

A Chat About the Newly Formed Alliance, Roles and Influence It Would Bring to the Movement in Europe. Possible Ways of Partnering With Networks Like RI and What Are the Opportunities

Weaving milieus for regenerating resilience for equitable and emancipating agrifood ecosystem from the ground up. Invested to enhance socio-ecologically and -economically regenerating food and fiber use-value cycles that foster horizontal, political and food agency. Link to Bio



Josefine Herz
Akademie Schloss Kirchberg  - Germany
Link to Talk

The Work of Akademie Schloss Kirchberg As a Nucleus Hub for Bringing People Together

Education and advisory for resilient agriculture and food systems at Akademie Schloss Kirchberg. Link to Bio

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Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald
World Organic Forum - Germany
Link to Talk

Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald teaches and researches at Humboldt University Berlin in the field of agricultural and food ethics. Director of the Academy of Farmers Schloss Kirchberg. Published and edited more than 20 books and numerous articles on sustainable farming and food-processing, eco-agriculture, socio-cultural and political issues of viable farming and food systems based on an ecology of short distances. Link to Bio


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Million Belay
AFSA - Africa
Link to Talk

African Continent Movement Towards Influencing Policy, Building Living Learning Examples and Promoting Fruitful Markets for Small Family Farmers Supported by Your Network

Million Belay coordinates the Alliance for Food Sovereignty for Africa, a network of major networks in Africa. He is a member of the International Panel of Experts on the Sustainable of Food Systems (IPES-Food). He is a founder of MELCA – Ethiopia, an indigenous NGO working on issues of agro-ecology, intergenerational learning, advocacy and livelihood improvement of local and indigenous peoples. Link to Bio



Esther Lupafya
SFHC - Malawi
Link to Talk

Enabling Healthy Communities Through Healthy Soils, (and How Communities Are Involved in Your Robust Documentation)

Executive Director for Soils Food and Healthy Communities (SFHC) Organisation
Ms. Esther Lupafya (SFHC) has a Masters in Social Development and Health from Queens University in Edinburgh, Scotland and Co-founders of SFHC. She has over three decades of experience as a Nurse/ Midwife and Maternal and child health (MCH) Coordinator, Primary health care (PHC) director, as well as HIV and AIDS program director at Ekwendeni Hospital where SFHC originated in 1998 due to Malnutrition and aneamia in under 5 children. This was because of food insecurity, poor Nutrition and Soil infertility. She has contributed to the successes of SFHC in food security and nutrition over the years.
Link to Bio 



Sibonokuhle Moyo
iGugu Trust - Zimbabwe
Link to Talk

Working With Communal Family Farmers to Implement Regenerative Agriculture

Sibonokuhle Moyo is a Programs Manager at iGugu Trust. She spent 6 years as Marketing coordinator for Holistic Management courses at Africa Centre for Holistic Management (ACHM). Additionally, during her tenure at ACHM; Sibonokuhle also served as an assistant facilitator for Holistic Management courses and also carried duties of a data officer. Link to Bio



Karen Nekesa Samukoya
AFSA - Kenya
Link to Talk

Network Progress in Seed and Food Sovereignty Matters Through Policy Influence

Karen Nekesa serves as the Co-Chair of the Agroecology for Climate Change Working Group at the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA). She has previously served on the board of PELUM Kenya Association and is currently a board member of the Biosafety and Biodiversity Association of Kenya (BIBA-K), the Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE), and the Forest Action Network (FAN). Link to Bio 



Frances Davies
ZAAB. SKI - Zambia
Link to Talk

How the Green Revolution and Other Fake Solutions Have for so Many Years Tried to Manipulate the African Food System, and What Advocacy Work Is Being Put to Action Across the Continent

Based in Zambia, Frances Davies provide strategic collaboration development and facilitation to networks, organizations and communities, so that they can mobilize effectively towards greater food sovereignty and ecological justice in Africa. She's got over a decade of project management experience in sustainability research, education, advocacy and networking, with a focus on supporting people-centered problem solving. Link to Bio 

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Jazzakah Mapasa
SCOPE - Malawi
Link to Talk

Youth Involvement in Agroecology and Why They Are Important in the Movement

Jazzakah Mapasa, is an Agroecology youth practitioner and a Farmer. He is currently working with Schools and Colleges Permaculture (SCOPE) Malawi since 2017 as the institutions Projects Officer. Link to Bio

North America



Allan Savory
Savory Foundation - Zimbabwe/Zambia
Link to Talk

Allan Savory, a renowned ecologist and founder of the Savory Institute, has dedicated his life to understanding and solving the problem of biodiversity loss, which, among other factors, is fueling climate change by leading to desertification over most of Earth’s land area. Link to Bio



Michelle Perro MD, DHOM
Link to Talk

What’s Making Our Children Sick?

Dr. Michelle Perro was at the height of her career as a pediatrician when children were hit with a rapid increase in pesticide exposure from new genetically engineered crops. She had to figure out how to treat a slew of chronic diseases, including digestive problems, asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and cancer. She shares her protocols for getting children well in this talk. Link to Bio

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Zen Honeycutt
Moms Across America and Neighborhood Food Network - USA
Link to Talk

Banning Bayer’s Glyphosate-Based Roundup Herbicide

Zen Honeycutt, a mom of three boys, found that when she cleaned up her kids’ diets they quickly became healthier and happier. She set out share the good news so moms wouldn’t have to struggle as hard as she had to learn the truth about toxins in our food. We caught up with her in Washington, DC, where she was educating the Environmental Protection Agency about the dangers of glyphosate. Link to Bio

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory - USA
Link to Talk

Uncovering Glyphosate's Sneaky Toxicity: The Slow Kill

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an MIT electrical engineer and computer scientist with a background in biology, put her brainpower into figuring out what was causing autism. What she found surprised her. The world’s number-one herbicide had a sneaky trick that enabled it to disrupt a bewildering number of functions in just about every living system, from soil microbes to plants to people. Link to Bio

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Tim Wise
Eating Tomorrow - USA
Link to Talk

Agribisuness and Food Sovereignty: the agribusiness lobby in the United States

Timothy A. Wise is a senior research fellow at Tufts University’s Global Development and Environment Institute, where he founded and directed its Globalization and Sustainable Development Program. He formerly directed the U.S.-based aid agency Grassroots International. He is the author of  Confronting Globalization: Economic Integration and Popular Resistance in Mexico, in addition to Eating Tomorrow.  Link to Bio

Latin America

Defense of Mexican Sovereignty U.S. Dispute Panel

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David Rivero Fragoso
Attorney - Mexico
Link to Talk

Legal Arguments in TMEC Controversy

Attorney in the class action lawsuit against GM corn. Expert in international litigation and one of the lawyers who has participated in the defense of the Presidential Decrees to reduce glyphosate and prohibit transgenic corn in Mexico, center of origin and permanent diversification. Likewise, he participated as an expert from civil society in the US Controversies against Mexico for refusing to use GM yellow corn in the dough for various food products. Link to Bio



Leticia López Zepeda
ANEC - Mexico
Link to Talk

Farmer Movements and Grassroots involvement in food public policies

Executive Director of the Asociación Nacional de Empresas Comercializadoras de Productores del Campo (ANEC), a national peasant organization that brings together more than 100 local organizations. A Rural Sociologist by profession from UNAM, she has extensive experience in the promotion and consolidation of self-managed processes of social and economic organization in rural and indigenous communities. Link to Bio

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Ana Laura Wegier Briulo
UNAM - Mexico
Link to Talk

Defending corn at its center of origin: a case for biodiversity

Researcher at the Botanical Garden, UNAM. Expert in the defense of native Mexican maize and cotton plants. D. in Sciences from UNAM and expert in genetics of observation, conservation and management of species with Mesoamerican centers of origin and diversity. Link to Bio



Julia Álvarez Icaza Ramírez
Secretary of Environment - Mexico
Link to Talk

Defending Biodiversity in urban settings (Mexico City) No corn no Country.

Attorney in the class action lawsuit against GM corn. Secretary of the Environment of the CDMX. Feminist, environmentalist, restorative lawyer and political analyst, Julia Álvarez Icaza Ramírez also holds a law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She was also part of the Sin Maíz No Hay País movement and worked on strategic litigation for the Independent Union of Agricultural Workers in San Quintín, Baja California. Link to Bio



Ariana Esquivel
Lawyer and Farmer - Mexico
Link to Talk

Farmers Defending Corn

Lawyer and farmer from the State of Mexico. She has a milpa and a cooperative project near Toluca. Member of the Mixed Advisory Council of the Inter-Secretarial Commission for Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms. She was an honorary advisor to the field schools of the Production for Wellbeing program of the Secretary of Agriculture of the Federal Government. Link to Bio



Olga Cabrera
Chef - Mexico
Link to Talk

Farm to Table: Safeguarding Mexican Culinary Traditions

Traditional Oaxacan cook. Owner of the restaurant "Tierra del Sol in Oaxaca, Casa restaurante and atolería." With Mixtec roots, Chef Olga Cabrera reflects her heritage in the flavors of her cuisine. Link to Bio



María Félix. María Maíz
Tlayolcalli - Mexico
Link to Talk

Ancestral uses of corn and cacao in Mexican culinary tradition: From pinole to pataxtle

Entrepreneurial woman, passionate about corn, the countryside and nature. Educator for peace and promoter of the rescue of the Mexican countryside through Agroecology processes and connection with ancestral gastronomy. She has a degree in Pedagogy from the Universidad Panamericana. Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies for Small and Medium Enterprises from IPN.

Asia / pacific Video sessions - 2024

People's Food Summit 2024, Asia-Pacific. Dr. Van Kien Nyugen, Mekong Organics.

People's Food Summit 2024, Asia-Pacific - Swati Renduchintala, CIFOR, ICRAF - India

People's Food Summit 2024, Asia-Pacific. Karen Mapusua, IFOAM International

People's Food Summit 2024, Asia-Pacific - Tim Marshall, Organic Consumers Association of Australia

People's Food Summit 2024, Asia-Pacific - Dr. André Leu, Regeneration International

Europe Video sessions - 2024

People's Food Summit 2024, Europe - Ashleigh Brown, Ecosystem Restoration Communities

People's Food Summit 2024, Europe - Josefine Herz, Akademie Schloss Kirchberg - Germany

People's Food Summit 2024, Europe. Daniel Christian Wahl - Spain

People's Food Summit 2024 - Europe. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald, World Organic Forum - Germany

People's Food Summit 2024, Europe - Sheila Darmos, Holistic Farmer and Simon Kramer, EARA Germany

Africa Video sessions - 2024

People's Food Summit 2024, Africa - Dr. Million Belay, AFSA

People's Food Summit 2024, Africa - Esther Lupafya, SFHC - Malaw

People's Food Summit 2024, Africa - Sibonokuhle Moyo, iGugu Trust - Zimbabwe

People's Food Summit 2024, Africa - Karen Nekesa Samukoya, AFSA - Kenya

People's Food Summit 2024, Africa - Jazzakah Mapasa, SCOPE - Malawi

People's Food Summit 2024, Africa - Frances Davies, ZAAB. SKI - Zambia

North America sessions - 2024

Allan Savory, Savory Foundation - People's Food Summit 2024, North America

'Glyphosate's Sneaky Toxicity: The Slow Kill' Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at MIT

People's Food Summit 2024, North America - Michelle Perro MD, DHOM, RHI - USA

People's Food Summit 2024, North America - Tim Wise, Eating Tomorrow

People's Food Summit 2024, North America - Zen Honeycutt and Kelly Ryerson, Moms Across America

Latin America sessions - 2024

People's Food Summit 2024, Latin America - David Rivero Fragoso, Attorney

People's Food Summit 2024, Latin America - Leticia López Zepeda, ANEC - Mexico

People's Food Summit 2024, Latin America - Ana Wegier, UNAM - Mexico