Pension Funds: Key Players in the Global Farmland Grab
Large scale agricultural land acquisitions are generating conflicts and controversies around the world. A growing body of reports show that these projects are bad for local communities and that they promote the wrong kind of agriculture for a world in the grips of serious food and environmental crises.
The Solution to Climate Change is in Our Lands
A global effort to give small farmers and indigenous communities control over lands is the best hope we have to deal with climate change and feed the world’s growing population.
Klimawandel und Landwirtschaft – ein Teufelskreis?
Die Landwirtschaft ist Täterin und Opfer in einem: Die industrielle Landwirtschaft und die voranschreitende Entwaldung erzeugen insgesamt rund ein Drittel des weltweiten Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen und heizen damit die globale Erwärmung an.
Soil Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Climate Change
The soil C sequestration is a truly win–win strategy. It restores degraded soils, enhances biomass production, purifies surface and ground waters, and reduces the rate of enrichment of atmospheric CO2 by offsetting emissions due to fossil fuel.
Soils and Biodiversity
Soils host a quarter of our planet's biodiversity. Soil is one of nature's most complex ecosystems: it contains a myriad of organisms which interact and contribute to the global cycles that make all life possible.
Our Soils Under Threat
Soil preservation and sustainable land management are essential for reversing the trend of soil degradation and ensuring food security and a sustainable future.
Together We Can Cool the Planet
"Together We Can Cool the Planet" highlights the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture.
Soils Help to Combat and Adapt to Climate Change
Healthy soils provide the largest store of terrestrial carbon. When managed sustainably, soils can play an important role in climate change mitigation by storing carbon (carbon sequestration) and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
Regenerative Organic Agriculture Puts Soil Health Front and Center
New York Times editorial supports soil health: “In an organic system … the soil grows richer and richer, more and more fertile. It does not blow or wash away. Buying organic food is a way to support the health of the soil itself. For that alone, it deserves our support.”
28 Inspiring Urban Agriculture Projects That Will Make You Rethink How Food Can Be Grown
Did you know? Around 15 percent of the world's food is now grown in urban areas. Check out these 28 inspiring urban agriculture projects that will make you rethink how food can be grown.
We Don’t Need Ketchum in Our Mustard
"There is a violent contest between real knowledge and propaganda, real food and the toxic commodities of industrial agriculture. Commodities being served up with a side of propaganda from a dispenser. Propaganda and this fake food rely on distancing – the producer from the consumer, the knowledge from the farmer – and distancing us from the ability to tell real food from the fake.”
Green World Rising
Green World Rising is the 3rd film in the Green World Rising series. The film shows how we can be 100% off fossil fuels in a few decades
Could Cows and Sheep Halt Climate Change and Tackle Rural Poverty?
Holistic management, with its counterintuitive claim that more, rather than fewer, cattle can improve the land, has been around for decades – a kind of perennial cattleman's quarrel, and a thorn in the hide of ranchers and anti-ranchers alike. The use of livestock as a tool for restoration has been scoffed at by scientists, reviled by vegetarians and those who blame cows for climate change, and a flashpoint for tension over how to conserve land in the American West.
A 12 Step Program to Stopping Drought and Desertification
The US Drought Monitor reports that 88 percent of this year’s corn crop and 77 percent of the soybean crop are now affected by the most severe drought since 1988. In response the Worldwatch Institute launched a 12 step guide to combatting drought and desertification. These tips can be used by policy makers around the world and in dry climates in the Middle East. Read on for the list.
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