Improving Soil Health May Require More Use of Cover Crops
Jay Fuhrer, dubbed the Waterway King of North Dakota, describes key principles for restoring soil health.

Sign the Pact for the Earth – Terra Viva – A people’s pact to protect the planet and each other
Humanity stands at the edge of an abyss. We have destroyed the planet, it's biodiversity, water and the climate, and through this destruction, the ecological context for our survival as a species. Ecological destruction and resource grab are generating conflicts, which are being accelerated into full blown wars and violence. A context of fear and hate is overtaking the human imagination. We need to sow the seeds of peace -peace with the earth and each other, and in so doing, create hope for our future – as one humanity and as part of one Earth community.

Soil Solutions to Climate Problems – Narrated by Michael Pollan
A powerful solution to the climate crisis can be found right beneath our feet—in the soil.

Organics and Soil Carbon: Increasing Soil Carbon, Crop Productivity and Farm Profitability
Soil carbon is one of the most neglected yet most important factors in soil fertility, disease control, water efficiency and farm productivity.

The evolution of business | Amanda Joy Ravenhill | TEDxTokyo 2014
Amanda Joy Ravenhill is taking cues from nature to build the future of business.

Carbon Is the Root of a New, Sustainable Agriculture System
Turning the conventional wisdom on its head, Janine Benyus, author of Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature and founder of the Biomimicry Institute, argued that carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere can become the source of a new, regenerative agricultural system at SXSW Eco in Austin, Texas.

Mother Earth Day 2015: Regenerating the Soil and Reversing Global Warming
Starting today April 22, embracing what the United Nations has designated as the “Year of the Soil,” let’s look at our planetary crisis from an entirely different, and more hopeful perspective. By practicing regenerative organic agriculture we can reverse climate change and heal the planet.

Small Scale Farmers Cool the Planet
A 17-minute documentary highlighting the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture.

Der Mist muss wieder auf das Feld
Der Agronom Dr. Hans Rudolf Herren promovierte über biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung und bekämpfte dann in Afrika einen Maniok-Schädling mit Wespen und Marienkäfern – sehr erfolgreich. Dafür erhielt der Schweizer 1995 den Welternährungspreis.

Trade Deals Criminalise Farmers’ Seeds
Trade agreements have become a tool of choice for governments, working with corporate lobbies, to push new rules to restrict farmers' rights to work with seeds.

Rindfleisch-Burger mit Nachhaltigkeitssiegel
Die ersten in Europa erhältlichen Rindfleisch-Burger, die das Siegel Rainforest Alliance Certified™ führen, werden auf der Ernährungsmesse Anuga, die derzeit in Köln stattfindet (10. bis 14. Oktober 2015), präsentiert. Das meldet die internationale Umweltschutzorganisation Rainforest Alliance.

Pension Funds: Key Players in the Global Farmland Grab
Large scale agricultural land acquisitions are generating conflicts and controversies around the world. A growing body of reports show that these projects are bad for local communities and that they promote the wrong kind of agriculture for a world in the grips of serious food and environmental crises.

The Solution to Climate Change is in Our Lands
A global effort to give small farmers and indigenous communities control over lands is the best hope we have to deal with climate change and feed the world’s growing population.

Klimawandel und Landwirtschaft – ein Teufelskreis?
Die Landwirtschaft ist Täterin und Opfer in einem: Die industrielle Landwirtschaft und die voranschreitende Entwaldung erzeugen insgesamt rund ein Drittel des weltweiten Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen und heizen damit die globale Erwärmung an.
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