In partnership with

Course Instructor

Prof. Dr. André Leu D.Sc., BA Com., Grad Dip Ed.
International Director, Regeneration International
Ambassador, IFOAM – Organics International
Author, Growing Life, Poisoning our Children, The Myths of Safe Pesticides
Twitter @Andreleu1
Dr. André Leu is a practicing farmer and the International Director of Regeneration International. This organization promotes food, farming, and land-use systems that regenerate the health of the planet and people. Regeneration International has more than 600 partners in 70 countries and works with numerous agricultural systems such as agroecology, organic, permaculture, ecological agriculture, holistic grazing, biological agriculture, organic agriculture, and agroforestry. André is the Author of Growing Life (2021), Poisoning our Children (2018), and The Myths of Safe Pesticides (2014). His work appears in television, magazines, universities, institutions, NGOs, and worldwide workshops, including the United Nations. André and his wife, Julia, own and manage an organic tropical fruit farm in Daintree, Australia.
Course Registration & Details
Cost – USD $500
Certificate Course on Agroecological, Regenerative, and Organic Agriculture
A reduced price will be available to anyone on a limited income wanting to take this course.
To apply, submit your name, position or profession, email, mailing address, tel #, portrait photo, and why you want to take this course to
To register and secure your place in this uniquely valuable course, submit your full name as you want it on the certificate, position or profession, email, mailing address, tel # with country code, DOB, & portrait photo to .
Upon registration, we will provide payment details. More information here
**After completion, a University-Accredited Certificate will be awarded to participants.**
2025 Course
Dates and Times
Times: Each lesson is 90 minutes
SESSION 1 – Monday, February 17, 2025
Europe, Africa, & Asia
08.00 - UK & West Africa
10.00 - East Africa
12.30 - India
13.30 - Myanmar
15.00 - Singapore, the Philippines, & Western Australia
17.00 - Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland)
18.00 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (NSW, VIC, TAS.)
19.00 - Fiji
20.00 - New Zealand
USA, Monday
12.00 - Hawaii & Rarotonga
15.00 - US Pacific
16.00 - US Mountain
17.00 - US Central
18.00 - US Eastern
Asia Pacific, Tuesday
06.00 - Singapore, the Philippines, & Western Australia
08.00 - Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland)
09.00 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (NSW, VIC, TAS.)
10.00 - Fiji
11.00 - New Zealand
Course Overview
•Lesson 1: Maximizing Photosynthesis
Europe, Africa Pacific, SE Asia, Australia - Monday, February 17
•Lesson 2: Ground Covers and Weed Management
Europe, Africa Pacific, SE Asia, Australia - Monday, February 24
•Lesson 3: Soil Health and Nutrition in Regenerative Organic Agriculture
Europe, Africa Pacific, SE Asia, Australia - Monday, March 3
•Lesson 4: Using Functional Biodiversity to Manage Pests and Diseases
Europe, Africa Pacific, SE Asia, Australia - Monday, March 10
•Lesson 5: Making It Happen – Applying the Knowledge
Europe, Africa Pacific, SE Asia, Australia - Monday, March 17
•Lesson 1: Maximizing Photosynthesis
North/South America - Monday, February 17
Pacific, SE Asia, E. Australia - Tuesday, February 18
•Lesson 2: Ground Covers and Weed Management
North/South America, Monday - February 24
Pacific, SE Asia, E. Australia - Tuesday, February 25
•Lesson 3: Soil Health and Nutrition in Regenerative Organic Agriculture
North/South America - Monday, March 3
Pacific, SE Asia, E. Australia - Tuesday, March 4
•Lesson 4: Using Functional Biodiversity to Manage Pests and Diseases
North/South America - Monday, March 10
Pacific, SE Asia, E. Australia - Tuesday, March 11
•Lesson 5: Making It Happen – Applying the knowledge
North/South America - Monday, March 17
Pacific, SE Asia, E. Australia - Tuesday, March 18