Tag Archive for: Organic Regenerative Agriculture

Mekong Organics brings Regeneration International to Dông Tháp Province, Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam

Mekong Organics (MO) is an organization based in Australia led by Dr Van Kien Nguyen, which supports small-scale farmers, small-medium enterprises, and community-led initiatives in the Mekong region with research and training in organic food production, certification, trade, nutrition and health for various stakeholders and communities.

MO is currently working in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta with the local government of Dông Tháp Province to develop ecological rice farming combined with wildlife conservation to help re-introduce the Red Crane in the Tràm Chim National Park, an iconic bird species in the region that suffered loss of habitat due to human activity and pollution from agrichemicals.

On January 13, 2024, in the context of an economic exchange program between the governments of Vietnam and Australia and MO’s drive to introduce outside expertise on ecological rice farming, Regeneration International was honoured to be invited by Mekong Organics and the People’s Committee of Dông Tháp Province, for the first international workshop between Australia and Vietnam on combining rice farming with wildlife conservation. With a discerning audience of Vietnamese Mekong Delta farmers, traders, researchers, and politicians, RI’s International Director, Dr André Leu, gave a keynote presentation on the Systems of Rice Intensification and the power of Regenerative Agriculture to overtake conventional methods by converting greenhouse gas emissions into soil fertility, securing higher yields under organic production, remaining cost-effective, and building resiliency to pests, diseases, and climate extremes.

Ecological broadcast on national TV:

RI’s trip in Vietnam with Mekong Organics is being documented via interviews and video recordings by our roving video reporter and Eurasia Coordinator Oliver Gardiner for RI’s media content and the People’s Food Summit 2024. The trip will continue throughout January with an Australia-Vietnam Organic Agriculture Trade and Investment at the University of Social Sciences in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), research and farmer-led field trips to projects and an Australia-Vietnam Organic Agriculture Trade and Invesment Forum in Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi. You can follow up on our trip to Vietnam in our next newsletter, where we will reveal how a few pioneering Vietnam farmers use clever innovations to create new revenue streams with combined rice/duck/fish/prawn production systems and simple money-earning solutions to prevent slash and burning practices.

A Brief Reflection on Year 2023: Regeneration International Africa 

As Regeneration International team different parts of the world, we are counting our wins, pains, and lessons that were embedded in the year with deep gratitude and a meek spirit. 2023 was a true depiction of what life and living systems work really is. It’s a package of plans, that unfold into unknown and unexpected ends, the pieces of our work as a movement keep moving simultaneously. Us, on the same note have kept self organizing to continue building and standing up for the most important work on the planet. Regenerating the future, our planet and all life. 

The support provided to RI goes a long way in providing the global team with many opportunities to contribute in the movement building both at farmer and global scale. The funding and partnership support has been pivotal to supporting the outreach we achieved through the Peoples Food Summit- 2023 segment, where we got over 800,000 views for Africa alone. This outreach has done more than just expose the work of different partners that shared their work at the summit, but also created a platform for work synergies. 

Through the regional partnerships, we are continuing to contribute to the body of knowledge in the agroecology movement; developing courses and sharing knowledge and lessons in hands on work initiatives as well strengthening small holder farmers initiatives in landscape level regeneration to enhance ecological, economic and social stability.

The weather patterns are becoming more uncertain, it is worrying especially because smallholder farmers feel it the most. On the other hand, global platforms like COP seem to continuously  make a mockery of the strategies suggested by the movement to urgently address the issue of climate emergency. Thankfully we still have partners in the movement that have forged ahead and continue to bring the smallholder farmer voices to these platforms. We, also believe that continued work on the ground by and with farmers is important to building evidence and showing that there’s hope for changing the current narrative.  A combination of efforts at all levels is one of our greatest advantages. 

Continuously, we are seeing the importance of collaborative efforts in movement building, sharing  experiences from  ground work, influencing policy, and science. Engaging with  different partners that work at different capacities across the African continent, enables us to bring all aspects of change together.  When we accelerate intersections of network collaborations, we begin to experience the transformation we hope for. 

2023 was filled with incredible collaborations with regenerative and agro-ecological partners and we hope for even better opportunities in 2024. As a team we also have a lot of exciting plans that will see us engaging more and more with our global partners. We have great hope for a wonderful year ahead for the movement. 

5 claves para entender la agricultura regenerativa

La agricultura regenerativa ha emergido como un pilar fundamental para agricultores comprometidos con la sostenibilidad y la revitalización de sus tierras. En este artículo, exploraremos las 5 claves fundamentales para entender la agricultura regenerativa. Desde el cuidado del suelo hasta la diversificación de cultivos, descubriremos cómo esta filosofía agrícola está transformando el paisaje agrícola español, promoviendo la resiliencia.

  1. Mantenimiento del Suelo Saludable

El mantenimiento de un suelo saludable es fundamental en la agricultura regenerativa. En lugar de ver el suelo simplemente como un medio para cultivar plantas, la agricultura regenerativa reconoce que el suelo es un ecosistema dinámico en sí mismo.

A. Reducción de la Labranza: la labranza tradicional puede ser perjudicial para la estructura del suelo al interrumpir su capa superior. En la agricultura regenerativa, se aboga por la reducción o eliminación de la labranza con objeto de preservar la estructura del suelo, evita la erosión y mantiene la actividad microbiológica.


The European Alliances for Regenerative Agriculture – A New EARA to Regenerate Into 2024″

In a truly bottom-up, grassroots manner, pioneering regenerative farmers from across Europe have organised in the new European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA). 

EARA was founded in November 2023 with a clear mandate and vision of the European regenerative farmers’ movement as an independent farmer-led coordination and political advocacy organisation.

The uniqueness of EARA is that farmers of all EU contexts (young/old; big/small, organic/non-organic; pastoralist/arable; etc.) mycelium-together with a shared vision & voice rooted in their quest to farm for regeneration with the insights of the soil biology revolution at heart!

In the future the alliance will also have associated members, which will be non-farmer stakeholders from agrifood ecosystems.


With the sharing of their White Paper EARA starts to inoculate the consensus- and alliance-building process of agents whose interests lie in a regenerating world.

The paper gives clear guidance along which keystones agrifood ecosystem governance ought to be reenvisioned to foster holistic regeneration.

The paper’s key messages are designed to steward and motivate decision-makers to ensure that

  • their thinking puts emphasis on achieving holistic positive impact by working in alignment with living systems as wholes
  • the transition towards regenerative agrifood ecosystems is farmer co-led, as well as farmer-, people- and ecocentric
  • claims on regenerative agriculture go beyond the surface, are systemic, holistic, transparent and solidly documented
  • agricultural subsidies are transformed into simple agroecosystem health performance-based payments for land stewards
  • indigenous, peasant and farmer land rights and long-term land access is guaranteed
  • stranded assets as well as market- and power asymmetries in agrifood systems are faced head on
  • agrifood systems are de- and re-grown into their ecoregions

In the upcoming year EARA will focus on developing a new generation of agroecosystem governance deduced from the most innovative farmers in Europe that lay the basis for resilient and healthy food security for regenerating and peaceful European communities, economies, nations and ecosystems.

Please see EARA’s website and White Paper for further information.

Stay tuned for EARA’s upcoming CAP policy paper and political research project.

Be warmly invited to reach out for further information and collaboration.

In deep gratitude to all land stewards and their movements on Mother Earth and in regenerative solidarity with you all.

Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

Vía Orgánica Farm School

We welcome the year 2024. We begin with all the enthusiasm and energy to share and exchange experiences about the regenerative agriculture movement and to keep working for an environmental culture.
The essence of this project is to promote awareness of taking care of the planet, through different actions, among them, the experiences generated with our products and services from the Farm School.
Have you ever wondered how many times you have been in an ecological farm in action? Well, now is the time to do it!


Vía Orgánica’s agro-ecological park offers unique and memorable experiences. Enjoy a peaceful stay in the Jalpa Valley, the rustic cabins, which have been built on the ranch itself with adobe, a material that is made out of a mixture of clay soil and fibers, resulting in a compressed block of clay, which produces thermal constructions, allowing to cool down inside in the hot season and keeps it warm inside during the cold season. All the roofs of the buildings collect rainwater that is stored and used for irrigation and vegetable production; we also have solar energy and gray water filters. Our toilets are ecological, to avoid the use of water and compost waste.
Upon arrival at the ranch you will visit the different stations and areas to learn about the ecological management of plants, animals, forest areas, among others.
You will be able to enjoy a range of different dishes, made with local, seasonal ingredients, fresh salads and meals produced in a natural and regenerative way.
You can finish your experience watching a beautiful sunset from the lookout point, a quiet space at the top of the ranch with an incredible view. You can request a bonfire and bring a musical instrument.

Eco-Friendly Things to-do at the Farm School

In addition, you can rent a bicycle, take a ranger tour or walk along our hiking trail in the mountains; there is always plenty to do, no matter the season of the year.

As if that were not enough, you can attend the workshops offered throughout the year with diverse and very interesting topics such as: design and planning of your garden, composting, traditional cooking, ecological management of animals, medicinal plants, maguey breaking. It is important to tell you that we have activities for the whole family, school groups and fun activities for girls and boys.

Put together your custom package, enjoy and learn, be part of this movement and help us to promote tourism with integral and sustainable impact. Visit page here


Seasonal Crops
Recipe of the Month

Rosemary Roasted Radishes
Ingredients (Serves 4)

Radishes 300 g
Garlic cloves 2
Fresh rosemary 2
Lemon 1
White wine 50 ml
Extra virgin olive oil
Ground black pepper

How to make rosemary roasted radishes. Difficulty: Easy

Preheat the oven to 200ºC and prepare a dish or tray. Wash the radishes well, removing the remains of soil and possible damaged parts, and cut the stalk -although the small leaves are edible-. Cut in quarters or in half, if they are small.

Place them in the dish and season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with a splash of good quality extra virgin olive oil, lemon zest and a little wine or white vermouth. Add the rosemary -we can use a couple of spoonfuls of dried rosemary- and season with salt and pepper, adding the unpeeled garlic cloves.

Bake for about 25-30 minutes, stirring the pan halfway through and adding a little more wine, if desired. Keep an eye on them towards the end of the cooking time and remove them when they are ready.

Meet the Animals from the Farm School


This friendly and curious donkey is the oldest on the ranch, she has been with us since our beginnings, always showing her face to greet visitors and get a carrot. She also likes getting into mischief, like one time she tried to escape from a walk and lay down under a tree to avoid working. Thanks to her contribution of manure, many adobes and compost have been made. Meet Tequila on your next visit to the ranch by following the signs on the trails.

Next Workshops


Includes transportation, lunch, mini tour of the garden and tamale making demonstration.

Office: 44 2757 0441
Whatsapp: 41 5151 4978


Remember that we are open from 8 am to 6 pm
Carretera México/ Querétaro, turnoff  to Jalpa, km 9
Agroecological Park Vía Orgánica.
For information on our products, seeds and harvest,
call our store at 442 757 0490.
Every Saturday and Sunday nixtamalized tortilla with Creole and local corn!
Enjoy our sweet and sour kale chips for children and not so children!




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Cultivando el Futuro: La Revolución de la Agricultura Regenerativa

Principios Fundamentales de la Agricultura Regenerativa:
En el corazón de la agricultura regenerativa yace un conjunto de principios que buscan restaurar y mejorar los ecosistemas. Desde la salud del suelo hasta la diversificación de cultivos y la reducción de la maquinaria pesada, cada principio juega un papel crucial en la construcción de sistemas agrícolas sostenibles y resilientes.

Beneficios Ecológicos:
Esta sección destaca cómo la agricultura regenerativa se convierte en una aliada contra el cambio climático. Desde la captura de carbono en el suelo hasta la conservación del agua y la promoción de la biodiversidad, examinaremos casos prácticos que ilustran cómo estas prácticas benefician tanto a la tierra como al medio ambiente.

Impacto en la Comunidad:
La agricultura regenerativa no es solo un cambio en las prácticas agrícolas; es una revolución que revitaliza comunidades. Exploraremos cómo estos métodos fomentan sistemas alimentarios más justos e inclusivos, empoderando a las comunidades locales.


…Organic Rising, a Film Featuring Ronnie Cummins, Was Released

On October 1, 2023, Organic Rising came out.

So many of our organic heroes are in this film! In addition to our very own Ronnie Cummins who the director dedicated the film, Organic Rising includes:

Keith Freitas, an organic lemon farmer, on pesticide drift.

Jim Goodman of Northwood Organic Farm, on life over profits.

Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food and Water Watch, on water pollution from industrial agriculture.

Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology, Purdue University, on glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup.

Winona LaDuke of the Ojibwe White Earth Reservation, on the genetic modification of wild rice and food as medicine.

Jeff Larkey of Route 1 Farms, on the basic principles of organic.

Dr. Kris Nichols, when she was the Chief Scientist at the Rodale Institute, on why farmers should let nature work for them.

Glenn Roberts of Anson Mills, on the flavor of grains milled the old fashioned way and the problems with genetic modification.

Dr. Vandana Shiva on Monsanto’s trick to make us doubt scientists like Dr. Don Huber.

Dr. Michael Skinner, professor and biological scientist at Washington State University on obesity and DDT.

Mark Smallwood, when he was Executive Director of the Rodale Institute, on the differences between organic and conventional farming, from soil health to yields.

Eva Worden of Worden Farm, on the number-one reason people buy organic.

The film has a beautiful original score arranged by composer and producer Matthias Gohl, composed by Mark Stewart and Toddy Renolds, and performed by Mark Stewart, Jerry Douglass, Dave Mackay, Jamey Haddad, Toddy Renolds, and Gregg August.

Watch the Trailer

Watch Organic Rising

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