Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

For organic regenerative agriculture, fair trade,
social justice, sustainable living and sustainable production 

Agroforestry Systems

The ranch uses different agroforestry models: the Regenerative Farm, which integrates mulberry trees, mesquite trees, magueys, milpa, pastures and chickens. In another model, olive trees are interspersed with beds of vegetable crops. And the last model, called Billion Agave Project, is an agroforestry strategy where the maguey, the precursor plant, is associated with other species such as mesquite or leguminous plants in the same space, allowing medicinal shrubs and pastures to be established, regenerating the soil and at the same time producing biomass and fodder.

The Billion Agave Project not only captures carbon, but also produces biomass and conserves soil and water. We also produce fodder from the maguey stalks after pruning. We grind them with the help of a cutting machine, place them in containers and ferment them for 30 days in an adobe cellar where they are kept fresh. Once the fermented feed is obtained, it can be supplemented with mesquite flour or bean or chickpea powder to add more protein and complement the forage.

This feed is offered to goats, sheep, poultry and pigs. By using it, we contribute to give the soil a rest from overgrazing to regenerate.

A very important part of our agroforestry systems is the reproduction of species for intercropping in the field. This is why the ranch has a small nursery where we reproduce native species and mesquite layering (rooted branches) that allow us to reduce propagation times that would involve planting the seed to associate different strata of plants, from maguey, trees, grasses and other species of medicinal or melliferous shrubs.

Billion Agave Project


Seasonal Crop

Recipe of the Month

Aguamiel Atole


– 2.5 lts of freshly harvested aguamiel
– 1/4 kg of nixtamalized creole corn masa (masa de maíz criollo)
– Water

1. Dissolve the nixtamalized criollo corn masa in half a liter of mead.
2. Place the other two liters of mead in a clay pot and heat until it boils, add the dissolved masa and stir until the drink thickens to taste.
3.Serve with pulque bread, baked corn gorditas or with a cheese tamale.

Meet Our Producers

Marzé Products

They are a family originally from Celaya, Guanajuato, with a long history in the preservation of food based on natural ingredients. They also produce handmade products such as coconut oil-based soaps, wines, liquors, vinegars, sauces and other foods.

In addition to promoting the transformation and preservation of products, they actively participate in various ecological fairs and craft markets. One of their star products that you can find in our store is the honey, ginger and lemon concentrate. A delicious, nutritious and preventive shot especially to strengthen the immune system that can be consumed all year round as syrup, lemonade or drink of the day.


International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

In its resolution 49/214 of December 23, 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People shall be observed on August 9 of each year. The date marks the day of the first meeting, in 1982, of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 1993 the International Year of the World’s Indigenous People (A/RES/45/164) (A/RES/47/75).

August Workshops

September Worskhops

Every Friday We Take You to the Vía Orgánica Ranch

*Includes transportation, food, mini tour of the orchard, and demonstration of making tamales. 
Office: 44 2757 0441
Whatsapp: 41 5151 4978


Remember that we are open from 8 am to 6 pm
Carretera México/ Querétaro, turnoff  to Jalpa, km 9
Agroecological Park Vía Orgánica.
For information on our products, seeds and harvest,
call our store at 442 757 0490.
Every Saturday and Sunday nixtamalized tortilla with Creole and local corn!
Enjoy our sweet and sour kale chips for children and not so children!




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