Becoming a Holistic Management Educator

Retraining My Brain

In March 2021, a group keen to find out more about Holistic Management came together at the Muresk Institute near Northam, Western Australia to begin their four-month course. Closed borders and no local educators meant the expansion of Holistic Management education in WA had come to a screeching halt two years earlier. Once Brian Wehlburg from Inside Outside Management was ‘allowed’ back into the state we enthusiastically engaged in what promised to be a challenging few months bending our minds around concepts like creating a Holistic Context to guide our decision making, which is applicable to anyone who makes decisions!

I soon realised that understanding the meaning of this ‘foreign’ language would unlock the fundamentals for everything else to make sense to me.  It was clear that managing holistically where we consider the environment, our social connections as well as our finances is complex and not something that adult humans are naturally good at doing or are raised to consider.