The European Alliances for Regenerative Agriculture – A New EARA to Regenerate Into 2024″
In a truly bottom-up, grassroots manner, pioneering regenerative farmers from across Europe have organised in the new European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (EARA).
EARA was founded in November 2023 with a clear mandate and vision of the European regenerative farmers’ movement as an independent farmer-led coordination and political advocacy organisation.
The uniqueness of EARA is that farmers of all EU contexts (young/old; big/small, organic/non-organic; pastoralist/arable; etc.) mycelium-together with a shared vision & voice rooted in their quest to farm for regeneration with the insights of the soil biology revolution at heart!
In the future the alliance will also have associated members, which will be non-farmer stakeholders from agrifood ecosystems.
With the sharing of their White Paper EARA starts to inoculate the consensus- and alliance-building process of agents whose interests lie in a regenerating world.
The paper gives clear guidance along which keystones agrifood ecosystem governance ought to be reenvisioned to foster holistic regeneration.
The paper’s key messages are designed to steward and motivate decision-makers to ensure that
- their thinking puts emphasis on achieving holistic positive impact by working in alignment with living systems as wholes
- the transition towards regenerative agrifood ecosystems is farmer co-led, as well as farmer-, people- and ecocentric
- claims on regenerative agriculture go beyond the surface, are systemic, holistic, transparent and solidly documented
- agricultural subsidies are transformed into simple agroecosystem health performance-based payments for land stewards
- indigenous, peasant and farmer land rights and long-term land access is guaranteed
- stranded assets as well as market- and power asymmetries in agrifood systems are faced head on
- agrifood systems are de- and re-grown into their ecoregions
In the upcoming year EARA will focus on developing a new generation of agroecosystem governance deduced from the most innovative farmers in Europe that lay the basis for resilient and healthy food security for regenerating and peaceful European communities, economies, nations and ecosystems.
Please see EARA’s website and White Paper for further information.
Stay tuned for EARA’s upcoming CAP policy paper and political research project.
Be warmly invited to reach out for further information and collaboration.
In deep gratitude to all land stewards and their movements on Mother Earth and in regenerative solidarity with you all.