More people and companies are interested in sourcing high quality, certified organic botanicals from US grown farms. And family farmers who do grow botanicals do so because they see this as a way to change the world, a way to care for the soil, to produce healthy herbal medicine for their community, to provide good jobs, and to support biodiversity.
In this webinar SHP Director, Ann Armbrecht, will speak with four farms growing medicinal plants in different regions of the US (North Carolina, Vermont, Oregon, and Hawaii) about their vision for farming, some specific practices they follow, and the unique challenges they face. We will talk about what is needed to shift towards a more equitable system, create more resilient models and what the responsibilities are of botanical companies and buyers of herbal products.
Speakers: Jordan Pratt, Farmer Director, Kauai Organic Farms; Cee Stanley, from Green Heffa Farms, Inc.; Mel and Jeff Carpenter from Zack Woods Herb Farm; and Jeff and Elise Higley from Oshala Farm.
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for hosting!
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