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Agrishow Ribeirao 2022

Ribairao Preto, Brazil

It’s the only fair in its category that reunites a large number of exhibitors who are specialists in offering agricultural solutions for all types of crops, whether large or small.

Webinar – Apicultura

Online event

Al finalizar el curso el participante será capaz de ofrecer conocimientos a quienes deseen iniciarse en actividades apícolas, brindando elementos para tecnificar, mejorar y hacer eficiente una unidad de producción de miel, polen, jalea real, etc.

South Summit Brazil

South Summit brings one of the biggest Startup events to Porto Alegre – Brazil. Check our Startup Competition full of innovative projects, Top notch Speakers giving their insights and expertise on the latest trends in the innovation ecosystem, VIP Activities, partnership and business opportunities and much more.

Webinar – ¿Puede ser ecológico trabajar con ganadería?

Online event

Se podrá hacer ganadería ambientalmente amigable?, sin tener que usar agroquímicos ni fertilizantes?, sin degradar los suelos y ecosistemas? y obviamente seguir produciendo de manera rentable? Acompáñanos en este evento en línea. 

6th European Agroforestry Conference, EURAF2022

Nuoro, Italy

The event brings together researchers, policy makers, agriculture and forest extension technicians, farmers, students to share and discuss current and emerging environmental and socioeconomic issues related to agroforestry.