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Open call – Join Our New Working Group

We will be hosting an initial working group meeting on the 20th September 2022. For those who wish to participate, please contact us at support@coolfarmtool.org with your details and and you will be sent an invitation for the session.

Webinar – Elaboración de abonos orgánicos

Online event

Personas Interesadas en dominar las técnicas de preparación de abonos orgánicos a partir de materia orgánica disponible, así como el uso y aplicación de estos insumos en los cultivos de interés.

Mapping Agroecology in Italy

Torino, Italy

This process involved a group of young experts of the Agroecology Europe Youth Network (AEEUYN) in a collaboration with Horizon 2020 Agroecology for Europe – AE4EU and the regional project OPERA.

Agroecology for a Better Future

Torino, Italy

What does Agroecology mean? How can Agroecology help the transition towards more sustainable agriculture and food systems?

Ortorama – Dialog on Urban Gardening: Practices, Places, People

Torino, Italy

The event consists of four thematic round-table sessions to reflect on the topic of regeneration and proposes the urban garden as a strategic device for this purpose. Inviting to Turin representatives of Italian and European associations and projects

Learn4Earth: Training Children to Save the Planet

Torino, Italy

Learn4Earth, a European project which UNISG is part of, is developing innovative methodologies, approaches and practical activities to provide teachers and young students with key skills  in the fields of Climate, Environment and Food.

VI Encuentro Regenerando de Agro Ganadería Regenerativa

Lekunberri, Navarra, Spain

Este Encuentro va dirigido en particular a familias ganaderas, a personas que quieren serlo, y a personas técnicas que les asesoran.  A continuación, tienes el póster y el programazo del evento, en los que te invitamos a clicar para saber más sobre la logística y cómo inscribirte