Printable Resources

Links to printable educational resources on regenerative food, farming and land management

Featured PDFs

Regeneration International Brochure

We need to do more than just cut back on the amount of carbon we are releasing into the atmosphere. We also need to draw down the carbon that's already up there. Fortunately, the solution is right under our feet.

This foldable brochure features full color imagery in a small portable package.

 We can solve global warming by properly managing the earth’s soils using tools we already possess. By transitioning to organic regenerative farming and land management practices we will slash GHG emissions, and draw down billions of tons of excess atmospheric CO2 and store rain water, and increase soil fertility.

Soil Carbon Restoration: Can Soil Biology do the Job?

This 16 page paper provides one of the best overviews of how regenerative agriculture removes excess carbon from the atmosphere.  This paper aims to get people on board for this inexpensive and practical way to save the planet by detailing the problem of carbon dioxide buildup and climate change, how carbon can be taken out of the atmosphere and restored to the soil, and the advantages that can come to farmers and consumers from growing in carbon-rich soils.

Rodale Institute "Regenerative Organic Agriculture"

This detailed infographic explains how regenerative agriculture works and its potential to reverse climate change. 

Who Will Feed Us

Who Will Feed Us compares the industrial food system with peasant farming. Industrial farming gets all the attention (and most of the land). It accounts for more than 80% of the fossil fuel emissions and uses over 70% of the water supply used in agriculture, but it actually produces only about 30% of the world's food.

65 pages long. Hint: Print small booklets, double-sided, with two pages on each sheet.