Tag Archive for: GMO food

La exigencia es clara: México no debe posponer la prohibición del glifosato y sus plaguicidas asociados

La semana pasada, más de 60 organizaciones mexicanas e internacionales firmaron una carta conjunta dirigida al presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador y al pueblo de México para exigir la protección de un país libre de transgénicos y glifosato.

La exigencia es clara: México no debe posponer la prohibición del glifosato y sus plaguicidas asociados, así como de los transgénicos, que han demostrado causar daños ambientales, sanitarios, sociales y económicos.

Esta carta es el resultado del trabajo coordinado de muchas organizaciones incluyendo Vía Orgánica, Regeneración Internacional y la Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos y ha sido respaldada por agricultores, apicultores, activistas, científicos, certificadores orgánicos y miembros de la academia.

El glifosato es un herbicida clasificado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud en 2015 como posible carcinógeno en humanos. Sus peligros ya han sido demostrados en 1.108 artículos científicos (Rossi, 2020 disponible en la web: naturaleza de los derechos (http://www.naturalezadederechos.org/antologia5.pdf ). Se ha informado y cubierto ampliamente sobre malformaciones congénitas, alteraciones en los sistemas nervioso, hormonal y gastrointestinal, infertilidad, varios tipos de cáncer (linfoma no Hodgkin), encefalopatía, mutagénesis, autismo, Parkinson, trastornos del sistema nervioso, endocrino y renal, intolerancia al gluten, daños hepáticos y daños en el sistema inmunitario. Los daños a la biodiversidad incluyen daños a anfibios, peces, aves, reptiles, moluscos, tortugas, abejas y otros polinizadores. También hay afectaciones al agua y al suelo (Watts et al, 2016 citado por Bejarano, 2017)

En México y otros lugares del mundo ya existen alternativas al glifosato. En México ya se han instalado varias biofábricas y el gobierno mexicano ha manifestado que nuevas revisiones y metaanálisis de cientos de investigaciones científicas y experiencias de campo confirman y fortalecen la evidencia de que en la agricultura diversificada y agroecológica existen alternativas viables al glifosato para productores de diferentes escalas.


The Demand Is Clear: Mexico Should Not Postpone the Ban on Glyphosate and GMOs

Last week, over 60 Mexican and international organizations signed a joint letter addressed to Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the people of Mexico to demand the protection of a GMO and glyphosate free country.

The demand is clear: Mexico should not postpone the ban on glyphosate and its associated pesticides as well as GMOs, which have been proved to cause environmental, health, social and economical damage.

This letter is the result of the coordinated work of many organizations including Vía Orgánica, Regeneration International and Organic Consumers Association and has been endorsed by farmers, beekeepers, activists, scientists, organic certifiers and members of academia.

Glyphosate is a herbicide classified by the World Health Organization in 2015 as a possible carcinogen in humans. Its dangers have already been proven in 1,108 scientific articles (Rossi, 2020 available on the website: nature of rights (http://www.naturalezadederechos.org/antologia5.pdf ). Congenital malformations, alterations in the nervous, hormonal and gastrointestinal systems, infertility, various types of cancer (Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), encephalopathy, mutagenesis, autism, Parkinson’s, nervous system, endocrine and renal system disorders, gluten intolerance, liver damage, and damage to the immune system have widely been reported and covered. Damage to biodiversity includes damage to amphibians, fish, birds, reptiles, mollusks, turtles, bees and other pollinators. There are also affectations to water and soil (Watts et al, 2016 cited by Bejarano, 2017)

Alternatives to glyphosate already exist in Mexico and other places in the world. Several bio factories have already been set up in Mexico and the Mexican government has stated that new reviews and meta-analyses of hundreds of scientific investigations and field experiences confirm and strengthen the evidence that in diversified and agroecological agriculture there are viable alternatives to glyphosate for producers of different scales.


The New Colonialist Food Economy

This past summer, the global trade regime finalized details for a revolution in African agriculture. Under a pending draft protocol on intellectual property rights, the trade bodies sponsoring the African Continental Free Trade Area seek to lock all 54 African nations into a proprietary and punitive model of food cultivation, one that aims to supplant farmer traditions and practices that have endured on the continent for millennia.

A primary target is the farmers’ recognized human right to save, share, and cultivate seeds and crops according to personal and community needs. By allowing corporate property rights to supersede local seed management, the protocol is the latest front in a global battle over the future of food. Based on draft laws written more than three decades ago in Geneva by Western seed companies, the new generation of agricultural reforms seeks to institute legal and financial penalties throughout the African Union for farmers who fail to adopt foreign-engineered seeds protected by patents, including genetically modified versions of native seeds.