The Trillion-Dollar Promise Of A Landscape Restoration Industry

We all count on ecosystems — and the natural resources we extract from them — to provide humanity with what it needs to survive and thrive. From fertile soils to forests and raw materials underground, nature appears to be an endless fountain furnishing all that we eat, drink, wear, live in, buy and rely on for fuel.

Yet climate change, declining biodiversity, ecosystem destruction, land degradation and pollution threaten our global life support system, putting whole societies at risk. After 20 years of working in international nature conservation, I have concluded that long-term investment in holistic landscape management and restoration is the key to future-proofing our planet while creating sustainable livelihoods for communities.

“Holistic” is the key word here. There is no point in restoring one tributary of a polluted river without tackling the whole basin — the problem will only resurface, and the investment will be rendered futile. From a risk perspective, it’s essential to consider the entire living system rather than pulling it apart.


El informe hace cinco recomendaciones para promover la agricultura regenerativa

El informe, Avance de la agricultura regenerativa en Canadá: barreras, facilitadores y recomendaciones , fue dirigido por la profesora de Ivey Diane-Laure Arjaliès, fundadora y directora del Laboratorio de Finanzas Sostenibles de Ivey. Dijo que ha observado una gran cantidad de investigaciones científicas, tanto occidentales como indígenas, que señalan los méritos económicos y ecológicos de la agricultura regenerativa . A pesar de este conocimiento generalizado y el consenso de los agricultores, la práctica aún tiene que encontrar su terreno.

“Los agricultores quieren tener tierras saludables, ver cómo sus rendimientos aumentan con el tiempo y mejorar nuestra resiliencia al cambio climático . Pero, cuando miramos las cifras, no vemos una gran adopción de prácticas regenerativas”, dijo.

Este tipo de agricultura, dijeron los investigadores, alguna vez fue una práctica sostenible y de larga data en Canadá. Sin embargo, las innovaciones industriales y el crecimiento demográfico llevaron al predominio de las prácticas mecánicas a gran escala en el sector.


Becoming a Holistic Management Educator

Retraining My Brain

In March 2021, a group keen to find out more about Holistic Management came together at the Muresk Institute near Northam, Western Australia to begin their four-month course. Closed borders and no local educators meant the expansion of Holistic Management education in WA had come to a screeching halt two years earlier. Once Brian Wehlburg from Inside Outside Management was ‘allowed’ back into the state we enthusiastically engaged in what promised to be a challenging few months bending our minds around concepts like creating a Holistic Context to guide our decision making, which is applicable to anyone who makes decisions!

I soon realised that understanding the meaning of this ‘foreign’ language would unlock the fundamentals for everything else to make sense to me.  It was clear that managing holistically where we consider the environment, our social connections as well as our finances is complex and not something that adult humans are naturally good at doing or are raised to consider.


Agroecología pretende desplazar los agroquímicos: Cabrera

En el marco del “Intercambio de experiencias para la transición agroecológica” realizado este 28 y 29 de febrero en el edificio de Gestión del Conocimiento ubicado en la Ciudad del Conocimiento, dijo que ese proyecto es para que se extienda a todo el sector agrícola del estado para desplazar el empleo de fertilizantes e insecticidas del sector industrial y sus ingredientes afectan al suelo, forman parte de lo que crece como alimento humano y hay investigación científica que demuestra no ser recomendable.

La investigadora sinaloense detalló que el grupo de los 100 campesinos son parte dl programa de Estrategia de acompañamiento técnico del programa para el Bienestar, financiado por el Conacyt, proyecto denominado “Faros Agroecológicos”, en las que se empelan técnicas sustentables con el ambiente “para sustituir poco a poco” los agroquímicos, causantes de suelos infértiles.


Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

Backyard Crop Production

The diversity of vegetables, herbs and other species grown on the ranch are part of the ecological management of the garden. The proposal to produce healthy and delicious vegetables begins in the soil, building life and fertility with the use of green manures, the application of compost, biodynamic preparations, etc.

During your visit to the ranch you will notice that the soil is prepared to oxygenate and allow the roots to develop better by inoculating it with native microorganisms, which promote root health and plant nutrition.

More than 56 species are grown on less than a quarter of a hectare throughout the year on the ranch: vegetables, aromatic herbs, roots and more. Thanks to this mix, the presence of beneficial insects and the overall health of the garden is self-regulating.

You can start growing this season! Take advantage of the warm weather and start transforming your gardens and soil into edible areas full of vitality. We would like to extend an invitation to come to our tours and visit the agro-ecological park to learn more and start building your own vegetable garden at home!

Tours at the ranch                  Video tour with Azu and Rubí               Plan your Vegetable Garden at Home


How to grow organic tomatoes at home                                   Book a bike tour to see our Orchards

Seasonal Crops

Visit Our Restaurant to See All Our Recipes with Our Seasonal Crops

Recipe of the Month

Tomato sauce for pizza

10 ripe tomatoes
1 medium onion, sliced
3 cloves of garlic, minced or finely chopped
2 tablespoons tomato paste or tomato puree (optional)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon dried oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

Start by removing the skin from the tomatoes: make a cross cut on one end of each tomato. In a large pot heat enough water, when it starts to boil, add the tomatoes five by five.

Wait 40 seconds and remove from the water. Transfer them to a bowl of cold water with ice cubes and remove. Remove the skin and chop the tomatoes into medium pieces.

In a skillet over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Add the onions and cook until slightly caramelized. To achieve this, stir constantly until they are transparent and then turn golden brown. Be careful not to burn them or they will make your sauce bitter.

Add the garlic and cook for one minute; add the tomato and the pasta or puree. Stir and boil until the tomatoes release liquid.

Cook until the tomato is soft and has changed color.

Blend the tomato, onion and garlic together with the oregano, salt and pepper. To cut the acidity, you can add a teaspoon of sugar to your sauce.

Wait for it to cool before putting your tomato sauce on pizza dough or other base. If you want to store it warm in a sterilized glass jar, close and turn upside down until it cools.

Salsa Making Workshop with María de Jesús Zermeño at Vía Orgánica

Meet the Animals from the Farm

Coqueta (Coquette) 

This little goat is very friendly and playful, every morning she jumps on the rocks and branches inside and outside the corral. She is very docile and accustomed to contact with visitors. She feeds on branches and shoots of tender trees and maguey fodder. Every morning the herd goes out to graze in the ranch’s pastures and returns to its pen at midday.

Next Workshops

Check the Full Calendar here                                          Book your event here


Includes transportation, lunch, mini tour of the garden and tamale making demonstration.

Office: 44 2757 0441
Whatsapp: 41 5151 4978


Remember that we are open from 8 am to 6 pm
Carretera México/ Querétaro, turnoff  to Jalpa, km 9
Agroecological Park Vía Orgánica.
For information on our products, seeds and harvest,
call our store at 442 757 0490.
Every Saturday and Sunday nixtamalized tortilla with Creole and local corn!
Enjoy our sweet and sour kale chips for children and not so children!




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On Your Farm – Regenerating Lives and Land

The Apricot Centre in Devon is a farm which combines wellbeing and therapy with regenerative farming practices. Farmer Marina Brown O’Connell and her psychotherapist husband Mark O’Connell brought their livelihoods together to create a farm that not only helps regenerate the land, but regenerates lives too. Having adopted their children and brought them up on their farm, the pair saw first-hand how beneficial being in nature can be, and how the simple act of digging your hands into the soil can help you feel connected.

They’ve recently opened the farm up to asylum seekers, offering a space to farm the land, pick vegetables and cook together, creating a community and helping overcome trauma. They’ve also started training the next generation of regenerative farmers, as a means to pass on the land and skills they’ve accumulated over the years.