Entries by Date Cuenca

¿ Que sembrar en noviembre 2023 ? (Hemisferio sur)

Llego el finde, ahora con un poquito más de tiempo pasa desarrollar “Que sembrar en Noviembre de este 2023”. Como siempre, les dejo abajo las fichas técnicas de todo lo que se puede sembrar. En cada ficha se puede individualizar tipo de riego, profundidad, germinación, trasplante, luna y tiempo que se necesita para cosechar.

Ground Covers and Weed Management for Regenerative Farming and Ranching

Bare ground is the best way to encourage weeds, as most weeds are pioneer species. They rapidly germinate to cover disturbed and bare ground. Nature always regenerates disturbed soil by rapidly covering it with plants. Weeds are nature’s way of healing disturbed soil. Living plants feed the soil microbiome with the molecules of life so they can regenerate healthy soil.
This excerpt is from André Leu’s book Growing Life: Regenerating Farming and Ranching, more information here.

El glifosato causa leucemia en las primeras etapas de la vida

Un estudio mundial sobre glifosato confirma que el herbicida, aún en dosis consideradas “seguras” por las agencias regulatorias, causa leucemia y mortandad temprana. En el marco de la posible renovación del permiso de uso del glifosato en la Unión Europea, es una muestra más de las consecuencias de un modelo agropecuario a base de agrotóxicos.

Understanding the Context in Regenerative Agriculture

By adopting practices like cover cropping, crop rotation, intercropping, reduced tillage, integrating livestock, and increasing biodiversity, farmers are rebuilding soil fertility, carbon sequestration, and water retention while making their farms more resilient. The benefits extend beyond individual farms, potentially revolutionizing food production, and fostering collaboration between farmers, scientists, and policymakers to promote innovation.

Nuevas condenas en EE.UU: 176 millones de dólares contra Bayer-Monsanto por los efectos cancerígenos de su agrotóxico Roundup

Un jurado de Filadelfia le ordenó a la firma Bayer AG –que compró Monsanto en 2018– pagar 175 millones de dólares a Ernest Caranci quien sufre de Linfoma no Hodkin (cáncer en el sistema linfático) al dar por probados los efectos cancerígenos del Roundup, agrotóxico fabricado a base de glifosato. El fallo se conoció este viernes 27 de octubre.

Regenerative Agriculture Slated to Restore Ecosystems As Pressure Mounts in F&B Sectors

 The food agriculture sector faces mounting pressure to reduce its contributions to climate change. While agriculture accounts for around 34% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly from farming, deforestation and transportation activities in supply chains, the F&B sector recognizes the imperative to act on climate change, sparking interest in regenerative agriculture’s potential to restore ecosystems and sequester carbon.

A Week on a Regenerative Dairy Farm

Life has more than one twist and turn, and now, almost exactly four years later, I find myself in New York State attending a course in regenerative dairy production offered by Soil Health Academy. The aim is to learn more about how regenerative farming practices can be applied to the dairy sector and to bring that knowledge to our Dedicated Dairy Farms project in Quebec. To this end, I am also accompanied by Pascal Viens, from Ferme Vimo, and Julianne Audette, agr., from Logiag‘s agronomy team.

A Bold Return to Giving a Damn

“I never really got the 10 commandments, because they were so focused on what I should not do. I don’t believe that a person’s goodness is wholly based on what they don’t do. So while I don’t contest these Biblical instructions, I made myself a set of commandments on what I will do…”
A Bold Return to Giving a Damn is out, and we hope you’ll consider picking up a copy and joining us on this journey to good good and good food systems. Order today A Bold Return to Giving a Damn is out, and we hope you’ll consider picking up a copy and joining us on this journey to good good and good food systems.