Entries by Alfred Oliveri, Diego Balverde

Regenerative Agriculture: To Meat or Not to Meat?

A regenerative farm is the polar opposite of a conventional one. Instead of a monoculture, envision multiple crops strategically planted to support each other’s growth and vitality. For example, on a cotton farm, you might find rows of peas serving as “cover crops” to provide shade, maintain soil temperature, enhance water retention, and promote microbiome development. These farms also incorporate “pollinator strips” to attract bees and butterflies, along with “trap crops” to divert pests, avoiding the need for chemical pesticides.

Por qué decidimos boicotear la COP28

Regeneration International y Organic Consumers Association están boicoteando la COP28. Hemos participado en todas las COP desde París, en el 2015. Los contaminadores han secuestrado estas reuniones internacionales. Es un clásico ejemplo de captura reguladora, en el que en lugar de trabajar para la gente, los reguladores trabajan para los contaminadores. Este año, la COP 28 está dirigida por la industria del petróleo y el gas de Medio Oriente.

Why We Are Boycotting COP28

Regeneration International and the Organic Consumers Association are boycotting COP28. We have participated in every COP since in Paris in 2015. The polluters have hijacked these international meetings. It is a classic case of regulatory capture, where instead of working for the people, the regulators work for the polluters. This year, COP 28 is being run by the Middle East oil and gas industry. COP 28 is being held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), one of the ten largest oil producers in the world.

From GMOs to Regenerative Agriculture: A Scientist’s Journey

It’s not often that a scientist will transition from the narrow-focused science of genetically modified crops to the natural systems approach of regenerative agriculture. But that’s what happened to Laura Kavanaugh, who worked as a scientist for biotech company Syngenta for 12 years helping to develop GMO crops. Today, she is the new chief science officer for Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA), which works with farmers to help them transition to regenerative agriculture.

Agricultura regenerativa resalta entre expertos

Expertos en el agro resaltaron la agricultura regenerativa y las buenas prácticas agrícolas, durante un foro organizado por el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA). Durante el Diálogo Borlaug, los expertos tocaron temas, como buenas prácticas, conservación de los recursos naturales y aumento de productividad, todo enmarcado en el tema principal: agricultura regenerativa.

Consumidores están interesados por la agricultura regenerativa

La agricultura representa alrededor del 34% de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), ocasionada por la deforestación, cultivo y actividades de transporte en las cadenas de suministro, según FoodChain ID. En cuanto a consumidores, un 60% califica la sostenibilidad como un factor de compra esencial, lo que impulsa a todos los interesados a desarrollar productos de origen sostenible.

Safeguarding the Genetic Diversity of the Honey Bee

Pollinators play an essential role in our food system, with an estimated three quarters of crops depending on them. Yet, due in part to the impacts of intensive farming practices, their numbers are in decline. Here, beekeeper and Chair of the Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders Association, Jo Widdicombe, looks at the issue of genetic diversity and why it is critical to safeguarding the future of one of our key crop pollinators – the honey bee.