Entries by Western Ontario University

Becoming a Holistic Management Educator

In March 2021, a group keen to find out more about Holistic Management came together at the Muresk Institute near Northam, Western Australia to begin their four-month course. Closed borders and no local educators meant the expansion of Holistic Management education in WA had come to a screeching halt two years earlier. Once Brian Wehlburg from Inside Outside Management was ‘allowed’ back into the state we enthusiastically engaged in what promised to be a challenging few months bending our minds around concepts like creating a Holistic Context to guide our decision making, which is applicable to anyone who makes decisions!

Agroecología pretende desplazar los agroquímicos: Cabrera

Aplicando técnicas sustentables y productos biológicos para sustituir agroquímicos en 200 hectáreas que cultivan 100 campesinos del Valle del Mezquital, inició la transición a la agroecología que permitirá cosechas de productos, en este caso maíz, más inocuo y menos dañino al consumidor, informó Rosina Cabrera Ruiz, investigadora del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías (Conacyt) y asignada al Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo en Hidalgo

Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

The diversity of vegetables, herbs and other species grown on the ranch are part of the ecological management of the garden. The proposal to produce healthy and delicious vegetables begins in the soil, building life and fertility with the use of green manures, the application of compost, biodynamic preparations, etc.

On Your Farm – Regenerating Lives and Land

The Apricot Centre in Devon is a farm which combines wellbeing and therapy with regenerative farming practices. Farmer Marina Brown O’Connell and her psychotherapist husband Mark O’Connell brought their livelihoods together to create a farm that not only helps regenerate the land, but regenerates lives too. Having adopted their children and brought them up on their farm, the pair saw first-hand how beneficial being in nature can be, and how the simple act of digging your hands into the soil can help you feel connected.

Reflections From Debates on Regenerative, Organic, Agroecology

Regenerative. Organic. Agroecology. Like any ecosystem—there is both mutality, collaboration and competition. Sorting out where there is mutuality, shared principles and purpose, and where there are conflicts and competition, was the task of several innovative debates and “fishbowl” discussions at the world’s largest organic food expo, BIOFACH. Some 40.000 companies, farmers, organizational leaders, researchers, and policy makers were gathered there.

Investigación revela que la agricultura orgánica produce mayores rendimientos de cultivos durante períodos de clima extremo

Durante más de 40 años, Farming Systems Trial (FST) en Rodale Institute ha combinado prácticas del mundo real y análisis científicos rigurosos para documentar los diferentes impactos de los sistemas de cultivo de granos orgánicos y convencionales. Los datos científicos recopilados de esta investigación han establecido que la gestión orgánica iguala o supera a la agricultura convencional en formas que benefician a los agricultores y sienta una base sólida para diseñar y refinar sistemas agrícolas que pueden mejorar la salud de las personas y el planeta.

CROPS4LIFE comienza su campaña de muestreo de suelo

El proyecto europeo quiere analizar el impacto de las prácticas de la agricultura regenerativa en el suelo, en términos de secuestro de carbono. Con esa finalidad, Neiker realizará la toma de muestras al inicio y al final del proyecto para obtener una comparativa.