Entries by Lola Bahena

Certificación ROC: Agricultura orgánica regenerativa

La Certificación Orgánica Regenerativa (ROC, por sus siglas en inglés) es una garantía de que un producto o ingrediente alimenticio, textil o de cuidado personal, fue obtenido promoviendo la restauración de los ecosistemas, la salud del suelo, el bienestar animal y el respeto a las comunidades y trabajadores, a través de técnicas y procedimientos de cultivo y/o procesamiento que mitigan el impacto al cambio climático. Es el estándar más alto de agricultura orgánica en el mundo.

Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

Via Organica’s Agroecology Park in Jalpa has become a demonstrative and experimental space. It’s been more than 11 years since the transformation of each of the areas began and here we will share with you how the changes have been. The areas have been gradually transformed thanks to teamwork, agroecological and regenerative techniques and, above all, the favorable response of nature when treated with conviction and respect.

Strong El Nino Affects Southern Africa: How Creating Landscape and Farmer Resiliency to Shocks is Going to Help us all Keep Moving

Year after year we realize that the extreme weather patterns are making it hard for farmers to make ends meet from their landscapes. I am in western Zimbabwe, Hwange where I am engaged with communal farmers working on regenerative projects together. We are currently in an unprecedented dry spell in the midst of a growing season! All regenerative efforts like Agroecology, organic farming, permaculture, and so on are so important to relieve stress in events like this.

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 10th Anniversary Collection

To celebrate 10 years of ASFS, in this special collection, we have gathered some of our most-read and most-cited papers from the decade, as well as several “editors picks” we feel exemplify the agroecological focus the journal promotes. The collection will be available open access for the next six months, and we hope you will read and share the articles, reviews, and editorials with your colleagues, students, co-organizers, and more.

Reclamamos al Congreso Nacional el rechazo de la adhesión de Argentina a UPOV 91

El 27 de diciembre pasado el Gobierno Nacional presentó su proyecto de “Ley Ómnibus” que entre sus 664 artículos, el número 241, establece la adhesión de Argentina “a la Convención Internacional sobre la Protección de Nuevas Variedades Vegetales (1991)”. Esto es la adhesión a UPOV 91, y es un viejo anhelo de las corporaciones semilleras trasnacionales como Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta, Corteva o Basf, y nacionales como Bioceres o Don Mario.

Joint Declaration in Defense of our Biodiversity, Seed and Food Freedom – Resisting GMO Imperialism

Over the last few decades, GMO crops have been imposed in countries all over the world, advertised as a solution to food insecurity and the malnutrition crisis. However, hunger, disease and malnutrition have increased, while biodiversity has declined and toxins have spread. GMO imperialism has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of small farmers and biodiversity in centers of origin. These centers of origin of biodiversity are the cradles of the world’s food supply, and the protection against plague, climate challenges, natural disasters or other hindrances to food production.

Don’t Be Duped: GMO Deregulation Compromises Food Transparency

The European Union will vote on deregulating GMOs next week. If this decision passes, we could see a surge in unregulated, untested, and unlabeled GMOs in our global food supply. You have the power to make your voice heard. If you are concerned about the potential risks of unregulated GMOs, you can let the EU Parliament know by signing our petition. Together, we can work towards finding a more constructive solution that prioritizes both innovation and informed choice.