Want to submit a regenerative event to our calendar? Click Here.

Regenerative Agriculture Job Fair

Sherwood Park, AB, Canada

Are you nerdy about soil health? Are you buzzing about biodiversity? Are you excited about how farms can contribute positively to our planet? Young Agrarians and Organic Alberta are hosting a Regenerative Ag Job Fair to help you find a meaningful job in regenerative, ecological & organic agriculture.

Regenerative Agriculture Farm Tour

California, USA

Take a tour of the farm while learning the principles of regenerative agriculture. See how our farmers implement regenerative practices that revitalize the land and restore the historic American River Ranch. Many of these principles can be applied to your home garden. Everyone can play a part in creating a climate-safe California.

Agricultura regenerativa en huertos urbanos

Gijon, Spain

Te enseñaremos el secreto de una huerta próspera y sin esfuerzo, basada en los principios de la agricultura regenerativa. ¿Sabías que tener una cosecha con mas vitaminas y nutrientes que lo que compramos en las tiendas , es posible gracias a la aplicacíón de sencillas técnicas que nos permiten cultivar con la ley del mínimo esfuerzo, cuidar el suelo, regar poco (o nada) y apenas usar herramientas?. Repasaremos los principios relacionados con el suelo vivo, la permacultura el manejo natural de plagas, el compostaje y el adecuado manejo de la biodiversidad, con el fin último de de dar un paso más en el camino hacia la sostenibilidad de nuestra huerta.

Opportunities & Challenges in Funding Regenerative Agriculture

San Francisco, California, USA

Join Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) for a day of peer funder engagement, generative discussion, and strategic alignment around funding regenerative agriculture, held in San Francisco, California on March 19, 2024.

Force of Nature 2024

Fredericksburg, Texas, USA

Force of Nature's annual "WHAT GOOD SHALL I DO" conference brings together ranchers, farmers, researchers, nutritionists, and conscious consumers for 2-3 days of education, networking, planning, and ACTION focused on regenerating ourselves and our landscapes.

Summer Camp Webinar: Regenerative Agriculture & Certification

Online event

Join us for a conversation about the ever-growing landscape of regenerative agriculture certification. We'll explore how these frameworks can empower farmers to adopt holistic practices that restore soil health, preserve biodiversity, and enhance resilience to climate change. We will also discuss the situation specific benefits of pursuing such certifications, from access to premium markets to increased community engagement. Whether you're a farmer, an advocate, or a policymaker, this talk will offer actionable insights into regenerative agriculture certifications.  

Regenerative Agriculture Summit Europe

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Join us in Amsterdam as we unite the food and textiles industries together with one mission – to accelerate the transition to regenerative agriculture to build a more abundant and resilient agriculture system for generations to come.

Regenerative Agriculture 5 day crash course

Murcia, Spain

We believe that the best way to learn about Regenerative Agriculture is not just by learning about a bunch of facts, but by truly experiencing with your own eyes, ears and nose what Regenerative Agriculture is and what it can do for you and the planet. We also believe that connecting with leading pioneers in the field makes a world of difference. That’s why we’ve designed this week for you to do precisely that.