Tag Archive for: Regenerative grazing

Cómo afectan la agricultura y la ganadería a la biodiversidad del suelo

Los suelos son un gran reservorio de biodiversidad: albergan entre un cuarto y un tercio de todos los organismos vivos del planeta. No obstante, sabemos aún poco sobre ellos. Aunque se conocen alrededor del 80 % de las plantas, solo se ha identificado en torno al 1 % de los microorganismos que habitan en la tierra.

Desde el punto de vista taxonómico, podemos distinguir entre bacterias, hongos, protozoos, invertebrados muy pequeños (rotíferos, tardígrados, nematodos), invertebrados pequeños no insectos (sobre todo ácaros y colémbolos) e insectos (sobre todo larvas), y lombrices.

En los suelos crecen la mayoría de las plantas, aportan nutrientes y determinan el agua disponible para ellas, junto con el clima y la topografía. Según sean sus condiciones (presencia de agua, aireación, acidez, presencia de metales pesados) permiten, o no, su crecimiento.

Los suelos y sus habitantes se influyen mutuamente y forman una pirámide trófica que descompone la materia orgánica.


These Cattle Ranchers Are Raising Better Beef, Spending Less — and Reducing Carbon Emissions

When Gabe Brown first got into regenerative agriculture more than 25 years ago, he wasn’t trying to solve climate change.

“I was just trying to keep the banker at bay and feed my family,” Brown told CNBC.

Brown grew up in Bismarck, N.D., and went to college to be an agriculture professor. Then he married his high school sweetheart, whose family had a farm. The young couple moved home to help on the farm, which used conventional farming practices for the time. After eight years, Brown bought a section of the farm from his in-laws.

From 1995 through 1998, Brown’s farm in North Dakota faced recurrent natural disasters: Three years of hail and a year of drought. Brown needed to figure out how to make his land profitable. Also, he didn’t have money to spend on fertilizer and chemicals.



Saving Biodiversity Starts Here at Home with Changing Agriculture

Healthy soil means healthy rivers, food and people. But restoring health and balance to the ecosystems we’re part of will require changes in the way we farm.

Human impacts on the planet since the Industrial Revolution show that things are badly out of whack.

In 2009, scientists developed a framework for measuring a ‘’safe operating space’ for humanity within environmental boundaries. They suggested that if we pass those boundaries, we risk catastrophic ‘’non-linear, abrupt environmental change’’.

But even while the framework was being developed, two boundaries were already crossed – safe nitrogen limits and biodiversity losses. Now, four boundaries have been crossed, including climate change and land use. Other limits include freshwater, ocean acidification and deforestation.

We might think these problems are happening somewhere else in the world, not here in ‘’clean green New Zealand’’. Deforestation, polluted rivers, the effects of climate change, are matters for other countries, not for us in ‘’Godzone’’.


Ganadería regenerativa: otra forma de producir carne

En el Establecimiento “Santa Ángela”, ubicado en Colonia Ituzaingó (departamento Las Colonias), hasta hace poco tiempo se realizaba una explotación agropecuaria “tradicional”: un campo mixto en el que se arrendaban 80 hectáreas para agricultura y otras 100 hectáreas se destinaban a la ganadería, explotada de manera tradicional.
El que manejaba todo era don Leonides Tomatis, primera promoción de médico veterinario de lo que fue la Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria de Esperanza. Junto a su mujer, Clara Cueto, tuvieron 4 hijos: Silvina, docente y actualmente viviendo en Sunchales, Vanesa, biotecnóloga que vive en Adelaide (Australia), Fabiana, en Humboldt, e Iván en San Guillermo. Los dos últimos siguieron los pasos profesionales del padre.

“Todos consensuamos y apostamos a lo mismo. Entre hermanos, al tener un mismo objetivo, sabemos hacia dónde vamos. El primero que nos permitió llevar adelante este cambio de paradigma fue nuestro padre, de 78 años: pasar de la forma tradicional de producir, la que habíamos aprendido en la facultad, al concepto de manejo holístico y de ganadería regenerativa”, cuenta Iván, uno de los protagonistas de esta historia en la que la dimensión humana, y la familia son fundamentales.


Es hora de regenerar los sistemas alimentarios y agrícolas!!!

La Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos, la Alianza Global para Distritos Orgánicos, IFOAM Asia, Navdanya, la Red Internacional de Regiones Ecológicas, Savory Hub Africa, Via Orgánica, la Liga de Municipios y Ciudades Orgánicas junto con Regeneration International fueron parte hace unos días de la Cumbre de la Alimentación de los Pueblos en el Día Mundial de la Alimentación.

La cumbre virtual participativa global de 24 horas, co organizada por más de 50 grupos, comenzó en Oceanía y se movió hacia el oeste a través de las zonas horarias de Asia, Medio Oriente, África, Europa, América Latina y América del Norte.

Se convocaron oradores de todos los continentes para presentar importantes novedades sobre la producción de alimentos y los sistemas regenerativos, incluidos Vandana Shiva, Ronnie Cummins, Precious Phiri, Andre Leu, paneles, debates y otros eventos en vivo, así como videos y música de todas las regiones del mundo.

Tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar con una de sus grandes oradoras, en el espacio para América Latina, Thais Corral (Brasil) presentando puntualmente el caso de Sinal Do Vale y también con Ercilia Sahores (México), una de las organizadoras de la Cumbre:

La Cumbre de Sistemas Alimentarios de las Naciones Unidas ha sido absorbida por grandes protagonistas del mercado de los agronegocios y pesticidas, por lo que necesitamos organizar una cumbre diferente para promover los sistemas alimentarios agroecológicos, orgánicos y regenerativos conectados con la naturaleza y con una mirada global.

Anteriormente durante 2019, la ONU firmó un acuerdo de asociación estratégica con el Foro Económico Mundial (WEF), impulsando las agendas de influencia y de estos grandes grupos que mencionamos anteriormente.

Por otra parte, un importante número de más de 550 organizaciones de la sociedad civil escribieron al Sr. António Guterres, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas, reclamando por el acuerdo de asociación estratégica ONU-WEF y solicitando repensar la Cumbre de Sistemas Alimentarios.

Una cumbre alimentaria alternativa positiva…

La Cumbre de la Alimentación de los Pueblos fue pensada para que sea verdaderamente participativa y para empoderar a la mayoría de los productores de alimentos del mundo: los pequeños agricultores familiares, pastores y silvicultores que producen el 80% de los alimentos que comemos.

Presentamos ejemplos comprobados del mundo real, basados en agricultores, que son el futuro de nuestros sistemas alimentarios y agrícolas, incluida la agroecología, la agricultura orgánica y regenerativa, la permacultura, la agrosilvicultura, el pastoreo planificado de forma holística y muchos otros sistemas alternativos.

Los mismos representan un claro contraste con el modelo actual que genera importantes desigualdades con algunas de las comunidades más pobres de nuestro planeta e invitan a reflexionar profundamente acerca de nuestro futuro en común.

La producción y la regeneración no están reñidas, de hecho, al mejorar los ecosistemas, está comprobado el aumento de la producción.

Imaginamos un futuro de la alimentación donde el valor esté centrado en la producción de alimentos nutritivos y diversos, que regeneren suelos y ecosistemas, que incluyan la labor del campesino en el campo, donde prime la salud y la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria por sobre todas las cosas.

Regeneración de ecosistemas en Sinal Do Vale:

El caso de Sinal Do Vale tiene 2 perspectivas que tienen mucho que ver con estos temas de la Cumbre.

Sinal Do Vale es un espacio de experimentación e integralidad para hacer las cosas de un modo diferente a partir de los recursos existentes, con respecto a lo que predomina en nuestro mundo, donde la mirada está más puesta en un desarrollo con impacto negativo y no al revés.

Durante muchos años, desde la Cumbre de Río de 1992, yo estuve participando de diferentes cumbres tratando de cambiar documentos y tratados tratando de avanzar sobre ciertos temas pero muchas veces eso se convertía en una lucha contra fuerzas muy poderosas.

Además de Sinal Do Vale, también me gustaría destacar la perspectiva de género. Actualmente 43% de las mujeres realiza trabajos agrícolas. Por lo general, estos emprendimientos, muchas veces están relacionados sobre alimentos. Las mujeres son grandes aliadas en la cadena alimentaria con una mirada ancestral sobre algo que en definitiva, siempre han hecho. Tanto cultivar como cosechar, como cocinar, dar de comer. La idea es recuperar esta visión de culturas milenarias.

Somos un centro de regeneración de ecosistemas, comunidades y de personas ubicado en 200 hectáreas a 50 km. del centro de Río de Janeiro, en una área de transición entre la gran ciudad y las montañas y los bosques en la biodiversidad de la mata atlántica. Sinal Do Vale es un Puesto Avanzado de la Reserva de la Biosfera Mata Atlántica por la UNESCO.

Básicamente trabajamos en 4 áreas:

– Hospitalidad.

– Suelo, alimentos y bosques.

– Agentes de cambio.

– Infraestructura resiliente.

Nuestra visión es hacia 2030, estamos en una década decisiva para la restauración de los ecosistemas, el Desafío de Bonn o la Iniciativa 20×20 en América Latina. Creemos que estos objetivos tan ambiciosos, solo se pueden lograr a través de acuerdos descentralizados de administración de la tierra.

Sinal do Vale trabaja para ser un ejemplo del tipo de desarrollo regenerativo necesario para alcanzar este objetivo y actuar como catalizador para la restauración del territorio y biorregión donde se ubica. Creemos que la difusión de este ejemplo puede servir para alcanzar el éxito en la regeneración de la tierra.

Hacemos prototipos y enseñamos soluciones que regeneren los bosques, suelos y sistemas alimentarios que se pueden replicar y escalar en esta región crítica.

Otro ejemplo puede ser el caso de la fruta Yaca, que fue traída originalmente como una especie exótica por los portugueses y que es muy abundante en nuestro espacio. Entonces creamos una iniciativa emprendedora del procesamiento de la yaca para comida y también para la regeneración del ecosistema. Asimismo, es muy combinable con todas las comidas y tiene diferentes texturas como si fuera un tipo diferente de carne.

Representan varias soluciones para pequeños agricultores ya que son resistentes a las sequías, a las plagas y pestes y también pueden crecer en suelos degradados, entre otras ventajas.

Nuestro modelo de negocio consiste en realizar productos orientados a los veganos que posean una cadena virtuosa. Y además, trabajamos con pequeños productores que también pueden regenerar su espacio de trabajo, al mismo tiempo que procesan la yaca.

Para finalizar, algunos datos extras: Nuestra fábrica beneficia a 9 empleadas mujeres, tiene capacidad para 64 tn por mes, desarrollamos 8 subproductos, y tenemos 3 áreas protegidas involucradas. Y es muy importante que todas las partes involucradas sean armónicas con el resto del ecosistema.

Publicado con permiso de Regeneración

Qué es la ganadería regenerativa y cómo implementarla para secuestrar carbono

Desde el INTA estudian el real potencial de la ganadería para secuestrar carbono y los beneficios y ventajas de implementar la regeneración de suelos.

Agustín Barbera–especialista de la Chacra Experimental Integrada Barrow (Ministerio Desarrollo Agrario, provincia de Buenos Aires – INTA) hizo hincapié en la necesidad de entender que “la ganadería regenerativa es una alternativa muy interesante y trascendental en este contexto de cambio climático”. 

Y, en este sentido, dio un paso más allá al subrayar la idea de que se trata de un concepto superador a la sostenibilidad porque, según él, “ya no es suficiente con sostener, sino que hay que incrementar los indicadores. No alcanza con sustentar, hay que regenerar”.

Entre las pautas a tener en cuenta para lograr la regeneración, Barbera destacó el rol vital que cumple un manejo eficiente del pastoreo. “Antes de la intervención directa del ser humano, los herbívoros convivían con sus depredadores, se movían en manada y manejando los tiempos del clima y del ciclo de crecimiento de las pasturas naturales”.


Regenerative Agriculture Is Transforming Heifer Ranch into the Garden of Eden

“I love to go down into the bottoms [to] check on the cattle and the land and watch the sun rise,” Kilpatrick said. After 25 years of farming in places from Massachusetts to Ecuador, Kilpatrick knows a thing or two about the connections between a farmer and livestock, and livestock and the land.
Kilpatrick is putting that expertise to work as the manager and land steward of Heifer Ranch, a 1,200-acre working farm in Perryville, just 40 miles to the west of Arkansas’ state capital in Little Rock.

Once a place for visitors to learn about and experience a version of our global work, the Ranch keeps education at the core as Kilpatrick creates a living classroom for farmers learning about the symbiotic relationship between livestock and land. The work has put the Ranch at the heart of Heifer’s programming in the United States.

“One of my biggest goals for the Ranch is that we become a diverse, robust, vibrant destination — a living, breathing, learning lab,” Kilpatrick said.

It’s a big task, but one that is clearly already working.


Farmers Should Act Now to Become Market Leaders in Regenerative Agriculture

New Zealand is better placed than other countries to embrace regenerative agriculture due to its existing pastoral systems, but lack of a clear definition is holding it back, new research has found.

Research commissioned by Beef and Lamb New Zealand and New Zealand Wine Growers looked at how well positioned the country was to take advantage of a growing global tend towards the adoption of regenerative farming practices.

The research was conducted by Alpha Food Labs with funding support from the Ministry for Primary Industries Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund and focussed on the future market potential of regeneratively produced food and wine in three key markets – the US, Germany and Britain.

It found positioning regenerative agriculture as part of the solution to climate change had the potential to capture consumer interest. However, linking regenerative production to health and product taste would drive even greater consumer interest.

Beef and Lamb chief executive Sam McIvor said, while still in its infancy, regenerative agriculture was gathering momentum and was set to become a significant trend in food internationally. Farmers needed to act before competitors took the opportunity.



Regenerative Food and Farming: Survival and Revival

“Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis, and the crisis of democracy.” Dr. Vandana Shiva, Co-Founder Regeneration International

Regenerative agriculture and holistic livestock management represent the next, crucial stage of organic food and farming, not only avoiding toxic pesticides, fertilizers, sewage sludge, GMO seeds, and excessive greenhouse gas emissions, but regenerating soil fertility, water retention, carbon sequestration, and rural livelihoods as well.

Regeneration has now become the hottest topic in the natural and organic food sector. At the same time, climate activists regularly discuss the role of organic and regenerative practices in reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and sequestering excess atmospheric carbon dioxide in soils and agricultural landscapes.

Inside Regeneration International, which now includes 400 affiliates in more than 60 countries, our primary focus is  moving beyond the basics of Regeneration to identifying regenerative and organic “best practices” around the globe and figuring out how to utilize farmer innovation, marketplace demand, policy reform, and public and private investing to qualitatively spread and scale these best practices up so that organic and regenerative becomes the norm, rather than just the alternative, for the planet’s now degenerative multitrillion-dollar food, farming and land use system.

Either we move beyond merely treating the symptoms of our planetary degeneration and build instead a new system based upon regenerative food, farming and land use, coupled with renewable energy practices and global cooperation instead of superpower competition and belligerence, or we will soon pass the point of no return.

In 2010 Olaf Christen stated, “Regenerative agriculture is an approach in agriculture that rejects pesticides and synthetic fertilizers and is intended to improve the regeneration of the topsoil, biodiversity and the water cycle.”

This corresponds almost exactly with the stated principles of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) or Organics International.

Since 2014, the Rodale Institute, IFOAM, Dr. Bronner’s, Dr. Mercola, Patagonia, the Real Organic Project, the Biodynamic Movement, the Organic Consumers Association, Regeneration International, Navdanya and others have also been discussing and implementing organic standards, practices and certification, which incorporate regenerative principles.

Changing the Conversation: Regenerative Food and Farming

In September 2014 a group of food, natural health and climate activists, including Vandana Shiva, Andre Leu, Will Allen, Steve Rye, Alexis Baden-Meyer and staff from Dr. Bronner’s, Dr. Mercola, Organic Consumers Association and the Rodale Institute, organized a press conference at the massive climate march in New York City to announce the formation of Regeneration International and to set for ourselves a simple, but what seemed like then ambitious, goal.

We all pledged to change the conversation on the climate crisis in the U.S. and around the world — then narrowly focused on renewable energy and energy conservation — so as to incorporate regenerative and organic food, farming and land use as a major solution to global warming, given its proven ability to drawdown and sequester massive amounts of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, trees, and plants.

Now, seven years later, it appears that our growing Regeneration Movement has achieved this goal. Regeneration is now the hottest topic in the natural and organic food and farming sector, while climate activists including the Sunrise Movement and Extinction Rebellion regularly talk about the role of organic and regenerative practices in reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.

More and more people now understand that we can achieve, through enhanced photosynthesis and drawdown, “Net Zero” emissions by 2030, a figure will be necessary if we are to avoid runaway global warming and climate catastrophe.

Identifying Regenerative and Organic ‘Best Practices’

Inside Regeneration International, which now includes 400 affiliates in more than 60 countries, our conversation has shifted from promoting a basic discussion about organic and regenerative food, farming, and land-use to identifying regenerative and organic “best practices” around the globe.

Our discussions and strategizing are not just an academic exercise. As most of us now realize, our very survival as a civilization and a species is threatened by a systemic crisis that has degraded climate stability, our food and our environment, along with every major aspect of modern life.

This mega-crisis cannot be resolved by piecemeal reforms or minor adjustments such as slightly cutting our current levels of fossil fuel use, reducing global deforestation, soil degradation and military spending.

Either we move beyond merely treating the symptoms of our planetary degeneration and build instead a new system based upon regenerative food, farming and land use, coupled with renewable energy practices and global cooperation instead of belligerence, or we will soon (likely within 25 years) pass the point of no return.

A big challenge is how do we describe the crisis of global warming and severe climate change in such a way that everyday people understand the problem and grasp the solution that we’re proposing, i.e., renewable energy and regenerative food, farming and land use?

Enhanced Photosynthesis Is All-Important

The bottom line is that humans have put too much CO2 and other greenhouse gases (especially methane and nitrous oxide) into the atmosphere (from burning fossil fuels and destructive land use), trapping the sun’s heat from radiating back into space and heating up the planet.

And, unfortunately, because of the destructive food, farming and forestry practices that have degraded a major portion of the Earth’s landscape, we’re not drawing down enough of these CO2 emissions through plant photosynthesis, soil carbon sequestration, and perennial above ground carbon storage in biomass (forest, grass, and plants) to cool things off.

In a word, there’s too much CO2 and greenhouse gas pollution blanketing the sky (and saturating the oceans) and not enough life-giving carbon in the ground and in our living plants, trees, pastures, and rangelands.

Increasing plant and forest photosynthesis (accomplished via enhanced soil fertility and biological life, as well as an adequate amount of water and minerals) is the only practical way that we can draw down a significant amount of the excess CO2 and greenhouse gases in our atmosphere that are heating up the Earth and disrupting our climate.

Through photosynthesis, plants and trees utilize solar energy to break down CO2 from the atmosphere, release oxygen, and transform the remaining carbon into plant biomass and liquid carbon.

Photosynthesis basically enables plants to grow above ground and produce biomass, but also stimulates growth below ground as plants transfer a portion of the liquid carbon they produce through photosynthesis into their root systems to feed the soil microorganisms that in turn feed the plant.

From the standpoint of drawing down enough CO2 and greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and sequestering them in our soils and biota to reverse global warming, qualitatively enhanced photosynthesis is all-important.

Agave Power: Greening the Desert

As RI, OCA, and our Mexico affiliate Via Organica’s contribution to the global expansion of regenerative and organic food and farming practices, we have spent the last several years working with Mexican farmers and ranchers, the Hudson Carbon Project, consumer organizations, elected political officials (mainly at the local and state level), and socially and environmentally-concerned “impact investors.”

Our goal is to develop a native agave agroforestry and livestock management system that we believe can be a game-changer for much of the 40% of the world’s pasturelands and rangelands that are arid and semi-arid, areas where it is now nearly impossible to grow food crops without irrigation, and where the land is too overgrazed and degraded for proper livestock grazing.

We call this Mexico-based agave and agroforestry/livestock management system Agave Power: Greening the Desert, and are happy to report that its ideas and practices are now starting to spread from the high desert plateau of Guanajuato across much of arid and semi-arid Mexico.

We now are receiving inquiries and requests for information about this agave-based, polyculture/perennial system from desert and semi-desert areas all over the world, including Central America, the Southwestern U.S., Argentina, Chile, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, Lebanon, and Oman.

You can learn more about this Agave Power system on the websites of Regeneration International and the Organic Consumers Association.

Primary Drivers of Regeneration and Degeneration

What I and others have learned “on the ground” trying to expand and scale-up regenerative and organic best practices is that there are four basic drivers of regenerative (or conversely degenerative) food, farming and land use.

The first driver is consumer awareness and market demand. Without an army of conscious consumers and widespread market demand, regenerative practices are unlikely to reach critical mass. The second driver is farmer, rancher and land stewardship innovation, including the development of value-added products and ecosystem restoration services.

The third driver is policy change, starting at the local and regional level. And last, but not least is regenerative finance — large-scale investing on the part of the public and private sector, what is now commonly known as “impact investing.”

In order to qualitatively expand organic and regenerative best practices and achieve critical mass sufficient to transform our currently degenerative systems, we need all four of these drivers to be activated and working in synergy.

Let’s look now at four contemporary drivers of degeneration, degenerative food, farming and land use, in order to understand what the forces or drivers are that are holding us back from moving forward to regeneration.


1-Degenerated grassroots consciousness and morale — When literally billions of people, a critical mass of the 99%, are hungry, malnourished, and/or stuffed and supersized with ultraprocessed foods and empty calories, revolution is all but impossible. When billions are scared and divided, struggling to survive with justice and dignity… when the majority of the global body politic are threatened and assaulted by a toxic environment and food system; when hundreds of millions are overwhelmed by economic stress due to low wages and the high cost of living; when hundreds of millions are weakened by chronic health problems, or battered by floods, droughts and weather extremes, regenerative change — Big Change — will not come easily.

Neither will it happen if we continue to allow endless wars and land grabs for water, land and strategic resources to spiral out of control, or fail to organize and resist on a mass scale while indentured politicians, corporations, Big Tech, and the mass media manipulate crises such as COVID-19 to stamp out freedom of expression and participatory democracy in order to force a “Business-as-Usual” or “Great Reset” paradigm down our throats.

Disempowered, exploited people, overwhelmed by the challenges of everyday survival, usually don’t have the luxury of connecting the dots between the issues that are pressing down on them and focusing on the Big Picture.

It’s the job of regenerators to connect the dots between the climate crisis, COVID-19, elite control and people’s everyday concerns including food, natural health, jobs, and economic justice, to globalize awareness, political mobilization and, most of all, to globalize hope.

It’s the job of regenerators to make the connections between personal and public health and planetary health, to expose the truth about the origins, nature, prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and chronic disease, and to mobilize the public to reject a so-called Great Reset disguised as fundamental reform, but actually a Trojan Horse for a 21st Century Technocracy that is profoundly antidemocratic and authoritarian.

Regenerators have to be able to make the connections between different issues and concerns, identify and support best practitioners and policies and build synergy between social forces, effectively lobby governments (starting at the local level), businesses and investors for change, all the while educating and organizing grassroots alliances and campaigns across communities, constituencies and even national borders.

But of course this long-overdue Regeneration Revolution will not be easy, nor will it take place overnight. Our profoundly destructive, degenerative, climate-destabilizing food and farming system, primarily based upon industrial agriculture inputs and practices, is held together by a multibillion-dollar system of marketing and advertising that has misled or literally brainwashed a global army of consumers into believing that cheap, ultra-processed, artificially flavored, “fast food” is not only acceptable, but “normal” and “natural.”

After decades of consuming sugar, salt, carbohydrate-rich and “bad fat”-laden foods from industrial farms, animal factories and chemical manufacturing plants, many consumers have literally become addicted to the artificial flavors and aromas that make super-processed foods and “food-like substances” so popular.

2-Degenerate “conventional” farms, farming and livestock management  

Compounding the lack of nutritional education, choice, poverty, inertia and apathy of a large segment of consumers, other major factors driving our degenerative food and farming system include the routine and deeply institutionalized practices of industrial and chemical-intensive farming and land use (mono-cropping, heavy plowing, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, GMOs, factory farms, deforestation, wetlands destruction) today.

These soil-, climate-, health- and environmentally-destructive practices are especially prevalent on the world’s 50 million large farms, which, in part, are kept in place by global government subsidies totaling $500 billion a year.

Meanwhile, there are few or no subsidies for organic or regenerative farmers, especially small farmers (80% of the world’s farmers are small farmers), nor for farmers and ranchers who seek to make this transition.

Reinforcing these multibillion-dollar subsidies for bad farming practices are a global network of chemical- and agribusiness-controlled agricultural research and teaching institutions, focused on producing cheap food and beverages (no matter what the cost to the environment, climate and public health) and agro-export agricultural commodities (often pesticide-intensive GMO grains).

What we need instead are subsidies for organic and regenerative practices, research and technical assistance for farmers and ranchers to produce healthy, organic and regenerative food for local, regional and domestic markets, rewarding farmers with a fair price for producing healthy food and being a steward, rather than a destroyer, of the environment.

3-Monopoly Control — Another driver of degeneration, holding back farmer adoption of regenerative practices and determining the type of food and crops that are produced, is the monopoly or near-monopoly control by giant agribusiness corporations over much of the food system, especially in industrialized countries, as well as the monopoly or near-monopoly control by giant retail chains such as Walmart and internet giants like Amazon.

The out-of-control “Foodopoly” that dominates our food system is designed to maximize short-term profits and exports for the large transnational corporations, preserve patents and monopoly control over seeds, and uphold international trade agreements (NAFTA, WTO) that favor corporate agribusiness and large farms over small farms; factory farms over traditional grazing and animal husbandry; and agro- exports instead of production for local and regional markets.

Food and farming is the largest industry in the world with consumers spending an estimated $7.5 trillion a year on food. In addition, the largely unacknowledged social, environmental and health costs (i.e., collateral damage) of the industrial food chain amounts to an additional $4.8 trillion a year.

4-Degenerate public policy and public and private investments  

Agriculture is the largest employer in the world with 570 million farmers and farm laborers supporting 3.5 billion people in rural households and communities. In addition to workers on the farm, food chain workers in processing, distribution and retail make up hundreds of millions of other jobs in the world, with over 20 million food chain workers in the U.S. alone (17.5% of the total workforce).

This makes public policy relating to food, farming and land use very important. Unfortunately, thousands of laws and regulations are passed every year, in every country and locality, that basically prop up conventional (i.e., industrial, factory farm, export-oriented, GMO) food and farming, while there is very little legislation passed or resources geared toward promoting organic and regenerative food and farming.

Trillions of dollars have been, and continue to be, invested in the so-called “conventional” food and farming sector, including trillions from the savings and pension funds of many conscious consumers, who would no doubt prefer their savings to be invested in a different manner, if they knew how to do this.

Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of public or private investment is currently going toward organic, grass fed, free-range and other healthy foods produced by small and medium-sized farms and ranches for local and regional consumption.

Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy animals, healthy people, healthy climate, healthy societies — our physical and economic health, our very survival as a species, are directly connected to the soil, biodiversity and the health and fertility of our food and farming systems. Regenerative organic farming and land use can move us back into balance, back to a stable climate and a life-supporting environment.

It’s time to move beyond degenerate ethics, farming, land use, energy policies, politics and economics. It’s time to move beyond “too little, too late” mitigation and sustainability strategies. It’s time to inspire and mobilize a mighty global army of Regenerators, before it’s too late.


Ronnie Cummins is co-founder of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and Regeneration International. To keep up with RI’s news and alerts, sign up here.

“La agricultura regenerativa es el futuro, hay que sanar el suelo”

Hasta hace treinta años, los agricultores cultivaban un poco de todo en sus campos. Sin embargo, las últimas décadas ha habido una tendencia hacia la especialización, que no es buena. Quien así se pronuncia es Orkatz Pagola, uno de los formadores de los cursos sobre agricultura regenerativa que imparte el organismo EIT Food.

La agricultura regenerativa viene a ser el eslabón superior a la ecológica. Como su nombre indica, se trata de regenerar el suelo, sanarlo para hacerlo más fértil. Su aplicación supone una mejora en el medio ambiente y se traduce en alimentos de más calidad. No obstante, “hay que tener siempre presente que lo primero es no perder la cosecha“, puntualiza Pagola.

Y, al mismo tiempo, no olvidar que el suelo es el capital del agricultor. “Si lo labra, se va la capa fértil, pierde materia orgánica. Hay que darle vida. La agricultura ecológica es de mayor calidad que la normal, eso sí, pero la regenerativa es más sana. Ya ha habido muchos agricultores que han pasado de la convencional a la ecológica. Ahora tenemos que dar el siguiente paso y lo más lógico es que quienes ya practican ecológica evolucionen a regenerativa.


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