Para el nuevo gobierno, la “agroecología” parece ser mala palabra

Que la Dirección Nacional de Agroecología de la Secretaría de Agricultura no iba a sobrevivir demasiado tiempo en el nuevo gobierno encabezado por Javier Milei no era demasiado difícil de adivinar, y de hecho Bichos de Campo había anticipado este escenario. Lo inaudito es que el funcionario a cargo del área, el ex decano Fernando Vilella, no se animara a recibir al responsable de ese sector, el agrónomo Eduardo Cerdá, para transmitirle esa decisión personalmente, como corresponde a las buenas personas.

Cansado de esperar una reunión con Vilella, quien sistemáticamente eludió esa audiencia solicitada por el director de Agroecología, Cerdá presentó en las últimas horas su renuncia al cargo, que desempeñaba “ad honorem”, sin costo para el Estado.

“No nos escucharon y dieron de baja a la mayoría de los técnicos que estaban en la Dirección de Agroecología de la Nación, la que vaciaron y disolvieron. Antes de presentar mi renuncia, que la demoré para proteger a los compañeros que dependían de mi firma, pedimos varias audiencias a las autoridades de la Secretaría y nadie nos atendió. Por eso, dejamos de estar en ese lugar; pero vamos a seguir, de todas maneras, acompañando a los municipios y a todas las organizaciones que quieran fomentar la agroecología”, se despidió Cerdá en un texto que compartió este lunes por la tarde, más de cien días después de la asunción de Milei y la designación de Vilella como responsable de Agricultura.


We Need to Act Now on Regenerative Agriculture

“Had I known that regenerative agriculture was going to come along, I would have said ‘I’m going to be regenerative, aiming to be organic’ rather than full organic,” says William Kendall.

This is certainly an interesting perspective from someone who has been involved in the organic movement for nearly three decades.

William, who has a broad take on Britain’s food and drink industry, being both a farmer, and a key player in businesses such as Cawston Press, is not alone in his thoughts though. As Penny Fagle, founder of the new Organic Cheesemakers Network recently said, consumers are questioning the value of organic, which is leading producers (especially those in dairy) to consider whether it’s worth certifying, or putting their efforts into working in a different way.

William and his wife Miranda decided to dedicate their land at Maple Farm to organic methods when they set roots 25 years ago. It was something they felt (and still feel) very passionate about.


Conexiones entre agroecología y agricultura regenerativa

La seguridad alimentaria es una de las necesidades más básicas de un ser humano, y la amenaza de la inseguridad alimentaria provoca una ansiedad primordial. La inseguridad alimentaria se encuentra entre las principales causas de la migración relacionada con el clima y, a su vez, una de las principales causas de la creciente inseguridad de las naciones. Con estas vulnerabilidades tan crudas, no es de extrañar que la gente en todo el mundo cuestione su suministro de alimentos o que esté surgiendo la preocupación mundial por un sistema alimentario industrial que alimenta el cambio climático y causa inestabilidad política, sin mencionar un sistema que debilita nuestro sistema inmunológico y causa una nutrición grave. -condiciones de salud y enfermedades relacionadas.

¿Qué es la agroecología?

La agroecología se basa en las prácticas, conocimientos y contribuciones ancestrales de los sistemas alimentarios indígenas y estudia agroecosistemas completos, no sólo su biología y ecología, sino también sus dimensiones sociales, culturales, económicas y políticas.


The Miyawaki Method: Imagining a Mini-Forest’s Potential

What Is The Miyawaki Method?

Most of us know the term old-growth forest, which refers to natural forests that are still mostly free of human disturbance (though not necessarily free of human presence).

These forests have reached maturity and beyond—a process that often takes centuries. As a result, they host incredible biodiversity and sustain a complex array of ecosystem functions.

The Miyawaki Method is unique in that it re-creates the conditions for a mature natural forest to arise within decades rather than centuries.

At the heart of the method is the identification of a combination of native plant species best suited to the specific conditions at any given planting site. As we’ll see, determining this combination of special plants is not always so straightforward.


México retrasa la prohibición del glifosato prevista para el 1 de abril

Después de mantenerse firmes durante más de tres años en sus planes de prohibir el herbicida glifosato a partir del primero de abril, las autoridades mexicanas anunciaron que retrasaban la prohibición.

México mantiene actualmente una disputa comercial con Estados Unidos por su negativa a aceptar el maíz genéticamente modificado (GM), alterado para tolerar la pulverización con glifosato y fabricar toxinas que repelen las plagas, y las autoridades mexicanas han declarado en repetidas ocasiones que consideran tanto el maíz GM como el glifosato una amenaza para la salud de la población mexicana y del medio ambiente.

Sin embargo, menos de una semana antes de que la prohibición entrara en vigor el 1 de abril, las autoridades anunciaron que el uso del glifosato podría continuar hasta que se encontraran otras opciones para el control de las malas hierbas. La medida se tomó en medio de un fuerte cabildeo de poderosas empresas agroquímicas mundiales y la presión de funcionarios comerciales estadounidenses.


Defining “Regenerative Agriculture” in California

At the start of this year, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) established a Regenerative Agriculture Work Group to assist the State Board of Food and Agriculture in defining “Regenerative Agriculture.” We submitted the letter below as our public comment on the matter to represent how we believe the term should be defined.

Dear CDFA:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed definition of regenerative agriculture in California. Our family company, Dr. Bronner’s, is located in Vista, North County San Diego, employs over 300 people and generated $200 million in net revenue last year. We source our major raw materials from farming communities around the world that are certified to the Regenerative Organic Certified standard. I’m including two blogs I wrote as part of my formal comment here: the first Regenetarians Unite that led to the formation of the Regenerative Organic Certification that we helped launch with our partners at Patagonia and Rodale; and the second Regenerative Agriculture:  the Good the Bad and the Ugly.

Summarizing the latter, there’s widespread agreement in the movement about what constitutes regenerative practices on a farm or ranch: managed grazing, cover crops, diverse crop rotations, minimal soil disturbance, etc. However the focus of my blog and comment here is on off-farm feed and synthetic inputs, which is under-appreciated and if not addressed in a real and credible way, will undermine the promise that regenerative agriculture has to mitigate climate change and restore soils.

Bolivia no se baja del podio de países que más monte pierden en el mundo

El reciente informe de Global Forest Watch (GFW) que acaba de ser lanzado, y las nuevas revelaciones sobre la pérdida de bosques durante el 2023, particularmente en termino de bosques primarios, en Bolivia, son alarmantes.

Aproximadamente se han perdido, durante el 2023, 696.362 hectáreas de bosque, el segundo nivel más alto registrado en la historia de Bolivia después del tristemente recordado año 2019, cuando se contabilizó una pérdida de 852.098 hectáreas de bosque. Esta nueva revelación que acaba de hacer GFW representa un aumento del 17% en comparación con el año 2022, confirmando la aceleración de la tendencia de destrucción del bosque que comenzó en 2019.

Durante los últimos 5 añosBolivia ha perdido el 40% de todo el bosque que perdió desde 2001, es decir, de los últimos 23 años. Si bien desde 2016, a nivel global se tiene en promedio una pérdida de bosque de 26 millones de hectáreas en el mundo, la superficie con la cual Bolivia contribuye es cada vez mayor.


Dr. Vandana Shiva and Regeneration International Support Mexico

Dr. Vandana Shiva was the keynote speaker at two events on March 15 and 16, in Mexico City, in support of the Mexican Government’s stand against glyphosate and GMO Maize.

Regeneration International was one of the organizers of these events in partnership with Navdanya International, the Organic Consumers Association, Vía Orgánica, and Sin Maíz No País.

On March 15, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources hosted a scientific forum on the “Protection and conservation of biodiversity in the regions considered as centers of origin of species.” Dr. Shiva was the keynote speaker, and Dr. André Leu was the following speaker on the importance of conserving both agricultural and endemic biodiversity.

Caption: Dr. Vandana Shiva (Navdanya), Dr. André Leu (RI), and Karen Hansen (IATP) speaking at The Department of Environment and Natural Resources hosted a scientific forum

The following day, March 16, was a well-attended public event with many speakers. Dr. Shiva gave the closing keynote address to a very receptive and appreciative crowd. Dr. Mercedes Lopez, from Vía Orgánica, gave a rousing speech on the importance of maize to Mexican culture and the need to not contaminate the traditional varieties with GMOs, as this would destroy the fact that Mexico is the center of origin and diversity for this critical food staple.

Caption: Dr. Mercedes Lopez speaking at the well-attended public event on March 16

I spoke on the risks and damages associated with transgenic corn and glyphosate, presenting scientific evidence of the harm it is causing to human health.

Caption: Dr. Andre Leu from Regeneration International Speaking at the public event

I was one of the many scientists who assisted Mexico in developing a science-based case against US bullying, which aimed to force them to reverse their decision to ban glyphosate and GMO maize.

US Government Poison Cartels Puppets Bully Mexico over its Sovereign Right to Ban Glyphosate and GMO Corn

Mexico announced plans to ban glyphosate and GMO Maize in 2023. Bayer-Monsanto and Dow launched 43 lawsuits in Mexico attempting to overturn the presidential decree.

The GMO/pesticide cartels, fearing that Mexico will set a precedent for other countries to enact similar restrictions, are puppeteering agencies and officials within the U.S. government to pressure Mexico to abandon its plans. This is not the first time the German-based Bayer-Monsanto has used its captured U.S. government officials and agencies to act on its behalf. In 2019, the corporation succeeded in using U.S. officials to pressure Thailand to reverse its ban on glyphosate.

According to Reuters, the new U.S. agriculture trade chief, Doug McKalip, gave Mexico until February 14, 2024, to respond to the U.S. demand to justify the science behind the GMO maize and glyphosate ban.

Mexico responded in March by releasing a formal rebuttal of U.S. efforts to overturn their ban.

The government produced an 189-page scientific report stating, “Mexico has legitimate concerns about the safety and innocuousness of genetically modified corn … and its indissoluble relationship with its technological package that includes glyphosate,” the government’s report states. It showed evidence that the use of pesticides causes serious health effects.

Mexico states that there is “clear scientific evidence of the harmful effects of direct consumption of GM corn grain in corn flour, dough, tortillas and related products.”

The Scientific Evidence That Justifies Mexico Banning GMOs and Glyphosate

There are an enormous number of published scientific studies showing that GMOs and their associated pesticides are responsible for multiple serious health problems for people, animals, and the wider environment.

The widespread adoption of GMO crops in the U.S. has resulted in a massive increase in the application of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as the primary method of weed control.

The Only Credible Peer-reviewed Lifetime of GMOs and Roundup

Only one credible, independent, non-industry funded, peer-reviewed lifetime feeding study of GMOs and Roundup exists. It found that mammary and other tumors, liver and kidney damage resulting from regular exposure to minute amounts of Roundup and/or a diet containing GMO corn – similar to the typical exposures people get from food.

The image above shows a rat with large mammary tumors caused by consuming glyphosate at the usual levels found in food. The tumors on the right-hand side, starting from the top, result from eating GMO corn, GMO corn with Roundup, or just Roundup. (Seralini et al.)

All the female rats in the study that were fed GMOs and/or Roundup (Treated Group) developed mammary tumors and died earlier than the rats who were fed non-GMO food without Roundup (Control Group), except for one rat who died early of an ovarian tumor.

Treated males presented four times the number of tumors that were large enough to be felt by hand than the controls, and these occurred up to six hundred days earlier.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has given glyphosate the second-highest rating for Cancer – Group 2A.

This means it causes cancer in animals and has some evidence of cancer in humans, most notably non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

A study by Flower et al. examined the levels of cancer in the children of people who sprayed glyphosate for weed control. They found that these children had increased levels of all childhood cancers, including all lymphomas, such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

A case-controlled study by Swedish scientists Lennart Hardell and Mikael Eriksson also linked non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma to exposure to various pesticides and herbicides, including glyphosate. The link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has resulted in significant court cases, most of which Bayer-Monsanto has lost and awarded millions of dollars to the victims.

Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate, and the deterioration of health in the United States of America

Dr. Nancy Swanson, myself, and co-authors Jon Abrahamson and Bradley Wallet published a peer-reviewed paper, “Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America,” showing how glyphosate and GMOs are linked to over 20 diseases in the U.S. The study searched US government databases for genetically engineered crop data, glyphosate application data, and disease epidemiological data. This was correlated with numerous diseases linked to the increased use of glyphosate and GMOs. A standard accepted statical analysis showed that the odds of glyphosate and GMOs not being the cause of these diseases was 10,000 to 1. On top of these, numerous studies are confirming the link between GMOs and glyphosate with these diseases.

We compiled this data into graphs showing the increase in diseases, glyphosate, and GMOs. We also added trend lines in green to show that these diseases are increasing due to the increased use of genetically engineered (GE) corn and soy and glyphosate.

Autism and Dementia

Autism and dementia have reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. The gap below clearly shows the link between the massive increase in the use of glyphosate and GMOs since the 1990s and the increase in these diseases.

Researchers have shown how exposure to minute amounts of glyphosate damages the normal development of nerves.

The image above shows how glyphosate damages nerve development. The glyphosate-exposed cells had shorter and unbranched axons, (the long extended ‘arms’ of the nerve) and less complex dendritic arbors (the smaller ‘fingers’ coming out of the body of the cell). It is clear from the image that the cells exposed to glyphosate do not develop properly and, therefore, cannot work effectively.

The scientists identified the cause by which glyphosate affects nerve development and stated that it cannot be reversed. The major concern is that the brain is the largest collection of nerves in the human body and is still developing in unborn, newborn, and growing children. Exposure to small amounts of glyphosate in food can adversely affect the brain’s normal development, leading to the suite of major issues that we see in children, such as autism spectrum, bipolar spectrum, ADHD, and other developmental and behavioral issues.

Adult brains are constantly renewing brain cells. These nerve cells are also adversely affected by glyphosate. The graph above shows a very strong link between the increase in glyphosate and deaths from dementia.

Endocrine Disruption – Disruption to Hormones

Gasnier et al. reported endocrine-disrupting actions of glyphosate at 0.5 ppm. According to the authors, this is “800 times lower than the level authorized in some food or feed (400 ppm, USEPA, 1998).”

Professor Séralini’s study published in Environmental Sciences Europe found that both GM maize and Roundup act as endocrine disrupters, and their consumption resulted in female rats dying –at a rate two to three times higher than the control animals. The pituitary gland was the second most disabled organ and the sex hormonal balance was modified in females fed with the GMO and Roundup treatments.

Disruption of Metabolic Pathways

One of the most significant studies was published by Samsel and Seneff in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Entropy in 2013. This comprehensive review, titled “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases,” showed how glyphosate disrupted numerous biochemical pathways within the human body, including gut microorganisms, and consequently could lead to numerous diseases.

Studies show that disruptions of the normal hormone and metabolic pathways are major causes of obesity, in that they disrupt the normal control mechanisms that stop overeating. Science clearly shows that glyphosate is one of these chemicals.


The rise in diabetes is directly linked to obesity. Most obese people end up with diabetes due to overloading the hormonal mechanisms that regulate blood sugar. Over time they begin to fail, resulting in dangerous increases in blood sugar.

Disruption of the Gut Microbiome

Samsel and Seneff’s paper identified how glyphosate disrupted the gut microbiome, causing the suppression of biosynthesis of cytochrome P450 enzymes and key amino acids. In a later paper, “Glyphosate, Pathways to Modern Diseases II: Celiac Sprue and Gluten Intolerance,” Samsel and Seneff showed that the current increase in celiac disease and gluten intolerance in people was linked to glyphosate’s adverse effects on the gut microbiome. They highlighted that glyphosate is patented as a biocide, and consequently, it kills the beneficial gut bacteria, leading to a rise in intestinal diseases.

Krüger et al. showed that glyphosate affects the microbiome of horses and cows. Shehata et al. found the same effects in poultry; the researchers state, “Highly pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella Entritidis, Salmonella Gallinarum, Salmonella Typhimurium, Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium botulinum are highly resistant to glyphosate. However, most of beneficial bacteria as Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus badius, Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Lactobacillus spp. were found to be moderate to highly susceptible.” Both groups of researchers postulated that glyphosate is associated with the increase in botulism-mediated diseases in these domestic farm animals.

Inflammatory bowel diseases are rising along with deaths from intestinal infections. Glyphosate’s disruption of the gut microbiome must be seen as a significant cause.

Kidney and Liver Disease

Kidney and liver diseases are major chronic diseases. The graph below clearly shows the relationship between GMOs, glyphosate, and the rapid increase in deaths from kidney disease in the U.S. Deaths from kidney disease fell until the widespread increase of glyphosate and GMOs.

In the lifetime feeding study of rats conducted by Séralini et al. the treated males displayed liver congestions and necrosis at rates 2.5 to 5.5 times higher than the controls, as well as marked and severe kidney nephropathies (kidney damage) at rates generally 1.3 to 2.3 greater than the controls.

The image above shows kidneys and livers that have been damaged by Roundup (glyphosate), GMO corn, and both. In a later published study designed to understand why Roundup and glyphosate-based herbicides caused kidney and liver damage in rats, scientists discovered that ultra-low doses of these herbicides disrupted numerous genes’ functions, resulting in changes consistent with multiple kidney and liver disease problems.

The researchers stated, “Our results suggest that chronic exposure to a GBH (glyphosate-based herbicides) in an established laboratory animal toxicity model system at an ultra-low, environmental dose can result in liver and kidney damage with potential significant health implications for animal and human populations.”


Science shows that GMOs and glyphosate cause multiple chronic severe diseases in the United States. Instead of bullying Mexico to accept these dangerous products, the U.S. regulatory authorities should do their jobs to protect the American people from the harm they cause by banning them.