Entries by Regeneration International

A Vision for the Social and Ecological Regeneration of Mexico City’s Xochimilco Wetlands

Humedalia, a Mexican organization that works for the conservation and restoration of the Mexican wetlands, focuses its work on the chinampas of Xochimilco. This project for regenerating the chinampas soil will provide the local community opportunities to increase family income and engage multiple generations, creating a space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences about ancestral farming techniques.

How Colombia’s Small Farmers Contribute to Resilience and Food Sovereignty in Post-Conflict and COVID-19 Pandemic Times

Despite being politically marginalized, culturally undervalued and economically excluded, and despite experiencing greater difficulty accessing land than any other social group in the country, small farmers in Colombia, who represent 30 percent of the country’s total population, produce 70 percent of the food consumed in the country. 

Resiliencia, soberanía y autonomía alimentaria en días de posconflicto y epidemia: el campesinado en Colombia

A pesar de vivir en la marginación política, la subvaloración cultural y la exclusión económica, con mayores dificultades de acceder a la tierra que cualquier otro grupo social en el país, los campesinos y campesinas, que representan al 30% de la población total del país se las arreglan para abastecer el 70% de los alimentos que se consumen en el país. Además, nos recuerdan a quienes vivimos en urbes el valioso sentido del arraigo a la tierra y al territorio para dar sustento a nuestras raíces e identidad.

How Farming Can Save Our Lakes and Rivers

Regenerative agriculture, including raising livestock, will be a key component of not only protecting water resources in Minnesota, but improving farm productivity and the overall sustainability of farming communities across the state. And for regenerative agriculture to thrive, consumers will need to keep meat as a part of their diet.