Entries by Karen Butler

Regenerative Agriculture is Moving the Sustainability Goalpost in the Nutrition Industry

Now that organic production—not to mention fair-trade, sustainable, traceable, et al.—is increasingly table stakes for the wellness industry, what’s the next hurdle for companies to clear in demonstrating their commitment to a healthy planet and healthy consumers?
If a growing coalition of brands, farmers, and forward-thinking organizations has anything to do with it, it may involve a progressive approach to farming that seems novel, but that actually dates back generations. That approach, known as regenerative organic agriculture, takes the principles of organic and runs with them, aiming not just at minimized chemical use or sustainability, but at measurably improving the land and water we farm, and the lives of the people and animals involved.

Regenerative Agriculture Can Make Farmers Stewards of the Land Again

The experiences of farmers who have adopted regenerative agriculture show that it restores soil carbon, literally locking carbon up underground, while also reversing desertification, recharging water systems, increasing biodiversity and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And it produces nutrient-rich food and promises to enliven rural communities and reduce corporate control of the food system.

Regenerative Agriculture

Carbon sequestration is just a side benefit of regenerative agriculture, which is all about building and maintaining healthy soil. Farmers and ranchers are turning to regenerative agriculture because it lowers costs and increases productivity.

How Regenerative Agriculture ‘Supplements’ Health

Pressure from consumers and regulators is changing how animal-derived supplements can be made in the United States.
Supplement brands have a new supply chain challenge to address in their GMPs (good manufacturing practices) and an interesting opportunity for investment. Curiosity will not kill this opportunity—complacency will.