Entries by Vélez Rubio

La agricultura regenerativa ofrece servicios ecosistémicos a la sociedad

Cambio climático, sostenibilidad, globalización, desertización, sobrexplotación de los recursos, relevo generacional, … son algunos de los retos planteados por García a los que nos enfrentamos como sociedad y como productores. Quien ha defendido la agricultura y ganadería extensiva por su capacidad de construir paisaje frente a la intensiva o el abandono, que fomentan la pérdida de biodiversidad y calidad de vida de nuestros paisaje y sociedad.

Agroforestry, Poultry Litter, and Soil Health

Back in 1999, a combination of industry members, university researchers, and USDA-ARS scientists joined forces to create a longterm agroforestry site near the University of Arkansas. Now, researchers are reaping the rewards of two decades of hard work as they see how tree species and management regimes impacted soil health. 

USDA To Conduct First-Ever National Agroforestry Survey

The survey will be sent to 11,100 farmers and ranchers nationwide to gather information on the five agroforestry practices used for climate, conservation and production benefits, including windbreaks, silvopasture, riparian forest buffers, alley cropping as well as forest farming and multi-story cropping.