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Hybrid – World Agri-Tech South America Summit

São Paulo, Brazil

World Agri-Tech’s dedicated event to South America on June 28-29 brings together international agri-food decision-makers to scale environmental and economic sustainability across the value chain. Join us in São Paulo for high-level discussions, new connections, and long-lasting business partnerships.

Plant BioProTech

Reims, France

After the success of our 2 first editions in Reims and Marrakech, we are happy to invite all concerned actors to attend and contribute to our 3rd edition from June 28th to July 1st, 2022 in Reims (France). 

Webinar – Agricultura regenerativa

Online event

5 módulos con 15 unidades de contenido audiovisual como si visitaras el campo! ¡Tómalo a tu ritmo! Disponible por un año. Incluye instancias de interacción

Webinar – New technologies to manage food ecosystems

Online event

The goal of the summer school is to provide students with a strong entrepreneurial and managerial propensity to control complex ecosystems of the food chain by applying new technologies with knowledge and expertise.

Formación Intensiva en Agroecología (FIA)

Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico

En 2017 iniciamos esta «Formación intensiva en Agroecología» (FIA) que integra tanto fundamentos teóricos (50%) como suficiente práctica y trabajo (50%) para que los participantes estén listos para diseñar, implementar y manejar una diversidad de sistemas agroecológicos en diferentes climas y regiones.