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Webinar – Regenerative Future Roundtable

Online event

To create an open and safe space to explore the transition to a regenerative and just future. Together we can discuss challenges, questions, wonders, frameworks, methods and more.
You are not alone! And we can all (un)learn a lot from every other change maker motivated to realize the transition to a just and regenerative future.

Regenerative Farming Presentation

Mankato, Minnesota

Join us for a free public event on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 from 7-8:30pm at Ostrander Hall on the MSU-M campus. Internationally renowned farming pioneer Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin will share his model for regenerative poultry farming.

Webinar – Iniciación a la Agroecología. Diseño y Manejo de Huertos Urbanos

Online event

En este curso online de Iniciación a la Agroecología. Diseño y manejo de huertos urbanos se han plasmado distintas experiencias y metodologías participativas que plantean un manejo ecológico de los recursos naturales a través de formas de acción social colectiva, es decir que aplican los principios de la agroecología.

Regenerative Agriculture Retreat

Columbiana, OH, USA

This two day course will cover the ongoing process of restoration at Lamppost Farm and how the principles of permaculture have been used for over a decade to bring abundance and ecological restoration to their 160 acres of pasture land, vegetable gardens and food forest. We will also cover soil health, rotational grazing, food forest design elements, fruit and nut tree guild design, water management and more. Your weekend will not only be filled with education, but also personal restoration as you experience life on this amazing farm.


Online event

Routine scouting of crops is one of the most effective ways organic farmers can stay ahead of costly pest and disease issues. In this presentation, we’ll review best practices around scouting and monitoring, discuss how scouting observations can be used to inform pest management, and highlight tools and resources available to farmers.

Webinar – FixOurFood: Regenerative Farming in Yorkshire

Online event

The Global Food and Environment Institute (GFEI) invites you to join our April 2023 webinar 'FixOurFood: Regenerative Farming in Yorkshire'.
During this talk, Dr Ruth Wade, Research Fellow in Regenerative Farming Systems, University of Leeds, will highlight the findings of her research in this area.