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VII Encuentro Regenerando de Agro Ganadería Regenerativa

Extremadura, Spain

¡Ya está aquí el VII Encuentro REGENERANDO en Extremadura, el 25 y 26 de Noviembre, centrado en torno al pastoreo dirigido de ovino y porcino en dehesas, y charcas y diseño hidrológico en línea clave en un entorno muy árido!

Webinar – Healing Our Land and Our Health

Online event

David R. Montgomery, doctor in geomorphology, and Anne Biklé, biologist and gardener, have been writing together to expand the public’s knowledge on the importance of soil.

Regenerative Living Vacation

San Jose, Costa Rica

An opportunity for families and individuals to regenerate their connection to self, one another and the natural world. This experience is for you if you want to learn tangible skills to live a more fulfilling and harmonious life, all while supporting your vibrance and health with a ripple effect in your own community.

ESG and Regenerative Agriculture

Perth, Australia

Ben will describe the success in building their food brand, Dirty Clean Food by connecting regenerative farmers with conscious food consumers. The presentation will offer insights into their omni-channel distribution (food service, retail and home delivery) plus the launch of the world's first regenerative, carbon-neutral oat milk and a lupin-based protein

Regenerative Agriculture Farm Tour

Rancho Cordoba, California, USA

Take a tour of the farm while learning the principles of regenerative agriculture. See how our farmers implement regenerative practices that revitalize the land and restore the historic American River Ranch.

Permaculture Masterclass

Dominican Republic

This master class will walk you through a live permaculture demonstration project, with a mix of new and established cultivation. Together we will review the permaculture design mapping, zones, permaculture principles, and hike and walk the food forest.

Soil Health Conference on World Soil Day

Brussels, Belgium

Just in time for the “World Soil Day” on 5 December, the annual “International Soil Health Conference” will take place at Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Brussels. This year, the conference will run under the theme of “Harnessing biodiversity for better agronomy”.