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International Conference on Regenerative Agriculture and Agroecological Restoration

London, UK

nternational Conference on Regenerative Agriculture and Agroecological Restoration ICRAAR on October 21-22, 2023 in London, United Kingdom 2023 happens in London, Oct, 2023 focus on Agriculture. The cycle of the trade fair is , organize by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology at London, United Kingdom.

Webinar – Brain Injury: Disabilities and Agriculture

Online event

In farming, the primary safety concerns are avoiding a brain injury. But, what do you do if you have already suffered one? How can farmers continue to perform farming tasks around machinery, livestock, and other hazardous areas, without getting hurt. Brain injury for many is a life long journey: one that spirals into various limitations, declining health and overall wellness.

Sustainable Agriculture Conference

Durham, NC, USA

The Sustainable Agriculture Conference features three days of in-person programming. Sessions are taught by 100-150 speakers from across the Southeast—bringing attendees classroom and on-farm sessions beyond lectures and slideshows.

Our list of talented speakers provide practical and innovative information through educational workshops, roundtables and panel discussions, inspiring talks, farm tours, and hands-on demos.

Agro & Poultry Africa 2024

Tanzania, Africa

International trade show on Acquaculture, Agriculture, Dairy Irrigation, Livestock & Poultry, Tractors, Veterinary, etc.

Huertos familiares 2024

Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico

Todas las personas que se preocupan por la calidad de lo que comen, estén interesados en producir hortalizas en un huerto desde su hogar y deseen conocer las propiedades de las plantas medicinales para el uso humano.