From Campus to Crop Fields: Regenerative Agriculture Project Launched in Mount Darwin, Zimbabwe

Mount Darwin is a town in northern Zimbabwe. Known for agriculture and gold and asbestos mining, the town is named after the nearby Mount Darwin, which rises 1,509 metres above sea level.

When Hugo Winkfield, a 2023 graduate of the University of Exeter, took on a work placement opportunity in the town recently, he had no idea what to expect, but threw himself into learning. He did his placement with the Agricultural Research Trust, a not-for-profit organisation that functions as a research and demonstration farm, while providing Zimbabwean farmers with machinery and best practices for sustainable farming.

“I knew nothing about farming before I started the placement – I hardly knew what a plough did,” says Hugo. “I really committed myself and I learned a huge amount about how to farm arable crops, from the top farmers and researchers in Zimbabwe.”

This experience ignited Hugo’s passion for transformative agricultural practice.


¡Al rescate de la agricultura! Llaman a cambiar métodos de labranza

Culiacán, Sin.- La tarde de este lunes, el conocido investigador Ray Archuleta, dictó la conferencia “Agricultura Regenerativa” a integrantes de la Asociación de Agricultores del Río Culiacán (AARC) que dirige Enrique Riveros Echeverría.

Inició diciéndoles que en este momento la agricultura en el mundo está pasando por un serio problema y México no es ajeno con la erosión de sus tierras para producir más y mejores alimentos de calidad para la humanidad.

Reunidos en la sala César Campaña Acosta, externó que el problema de México también lo tiene Estados Unidos, donde los agricultores están sufriendo porque los costos de los agroquímicos y fertilizantes están aumentando su precio cada vez más, y lo mismo ocurre con la maquinaria e implementos agrícolas para labrar la tierra.

En ese sentido, les sugirió trabajar con la naturaleza para bajar los costos de siembra y tener mejores ganancias en un futuro sin dañar el medio ambiente y con cosechas más limpias de herbicidas.


Making Regenerative Ag Work in Potato Production

Over the past four years, the European Union, guided by its Farm to Fork Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy, has made commendable efforts to transition its agri-food systems toward a model centered around sustainability. While these strategies have set ambitious targets, the potential of regenerative agriculture practices as a catalyst for sustainable farming remains largely untapped and must be a priority for EU policymakers.

A recent study published in Science Advances has revealed a concerning reality: humanity has breached six out of nine planetary boundaries. As we move toward the end of 2023, it’s evident that we are well on our way to witnessing the hottest year on record. We stand at the precipice of a “critical point of no return” concerning climate change, biodiversity loss and water scarcity.

Regenerative agriculture presents a multifaceted solution. It offers the promise of improving soil health, enhancing water quality, promoting biodiversity, eventually sequestering carbon in soils, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and bolstering the livelihoods of our farmers.


Plaguicidas: guerra suprema contra la humanidad y la naturaleza

Paraquat, cipermetrina, carbofurán, benomil, diazinon, acefato, bromadiolona, mancozeb, fipronil, carbendazim y linurón, son algunos de los nombres extraños de los 338 plaguicidas altamente peligrosos reportados en 2021 por PAN Internacional (Pesticide Action Network), la organización mundial fundada en 1982 dedicada a documentar, con el mayor rigor posible, la lista de plaguicidas dañinos para los humanos, las abejas y muchos insectos, los organismos acuáticos y todo ser vivo susceptible de ser afectado.

Se trata de una guerra contra la vida que aprovechó los avances de la química usada como arma en la Segunda Guerra Mundial para llevar a cabo todo un plan de exterminio. Son los venenos que el modelo de agricultura industrial ha creado y esparcido por todo el planeta en las últimas cinco décadas para matar plantas, animales y hongos.

Aquellos que se atreven a “invadir” los extensos monocultivos de soya, maíz, trigo, arroz,sorgo, centeno, café, té, plátano, uva, cacao, flores, caña de azúcar, naranja o pastos para ganado.


The Definition of Regenerative Agriculture

There are claims that there is no clear definition of Regenerative Agriculture.

Regeneration International started the worldwide regenerative movement in 2015. We have published our definition many times. We are the oldest and most significant of all the inclusive regenerative agriculture movements working on all 6 arable continents on our planet. Consequently, we state with authority that our definition is the primary one.

By definition:

Regenerative systems improve the environment, soil, plants, animal welfare, health, and communities.

The opposite of Regenerative is Degenerative

 This is an essential distinction in determining practices that are not regenerative.

 Agricultural systems that use Degenerative Practices and inputs that damage the environment, soil, health, genes, and communities and involve animal cruelty are not regenerative.

The use of synthetic toxic pesticides, synthetic water-soluble fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, confined animal feeding operations, exploitive marketing and wage systems, destructive tillage systems, and the clearing of high-value ecosystems are examples of degenerative practices.

Such systems must be called degenerative agriculture to stop greenwashing and hijacking.

Regeneration International asserts that to heal our planet, all agricultural systems should be regenerative, organic, and based on the science of agroecology.

Different Definitions

Other organizations have put out different definitions of regenerative agriculture. These tend to be narrower than ours; however, most do not contradict our definition. They are equivalent.

It is the same with organic agriculture, with multiple definitions such as the USDA, the EU, the United Nations Codex Alimentarius, IFOAM – Organics International, over 100 national definitions, and numerous definitions in private standards. They are different. However, most do not tend to contradict each other. They are considered equivalent.

Significant contradictions exist in the numerous national and international organic standards and certification systems, resulting in inconsistencies so that most standards and certification systems are not considered equivalent.

Some of the examples are:

  • Europe allows antibiotic use in animals, whereas the USA and Australia prohibit it.
  • The USDA organic regulation permits carcinogenic nitrates as preservatives in processed meat, which is prohibited in most other countries.
  • The USDA allows hydroponics, which is prohibited by most standards and considered by many as the opposite of true organic agriculture. However, this is changing with other countries following the USDA’s lead and permitting hydroponics.
  • The European regulation encourages confined animal systems to the point that it wouldn’t give equivalence to organic animal products from Australia because their organic producers care for their animals on pasture.
  • European, USDA and Australian standards allow for very small pesticide residue levels, whereas many Asian organic standards prohibit any residue levels.

Many countries permit participatory guarantee systems (PGS) as a way to ensure fairness for small producers. PGS systems are based on farmers peer reviewing each other to ensure the integrity of organic claims rather than being certified by a third-party organization. Most professional groups, such as doctors, lawyers, and scientists, use peer review as a way to ensure the integrity of claims. Farmers should not be an exception. PGS has the advantage of being affordable for smaller farmers, especially in the global south, where third-party certification usually costs more than their annual income.  The world’s largest organic markets, the EU and the US prohibit PGS and make it illegal for these producers to call their products, such as coffee, tea, and cocoa, organic.  This is grossly unfair to some of the poorest farmers on the planet.

The fact is these significant differences in standards, and certification systems are the source of much disagreement in the national and international organic sectors. They have not been resolved despite decades of negotiations, protests, position papers, and discussions. There is no indication they will ever be resolved, and are resulting in the fragmentation of the organic and like-minded sectors.

Back to Basics with the Four Principles of Organic Agriculture

Regeneration International believes that rather than wasting decades trying to resolve the numerous inconsistencies and contradictions in standards, a more productive approach is determining if practices and inputs are regenerative or degenerative.

IFOAM-Organics International’s Four Principles of Organic Agriculture are the best criteria for determining this.


Organic agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet as one and indivisible.


Organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, emulate them and help sustain them.


Organic agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities.


Organic agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

Why Focus on Regenerative Agriculture?

Most of the world’s population is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. Agricultural producers are amongst the most exploited, food and health-insecure, least-educated, and poorest people on our planet, despite producing most of the food we eat.

Agriculture in its various forms has the most significant effect on land use on the planet. Industrial agriculture is responsible for most environmental degradation, forest destruction, and toxic chemicals in our food and environment. It is a significant contributor to the climate crisis, up to 50%. The degenerative forms of agriculture are an existential threat to us and most other species on our planet. We must regenerate agriculture for social, environmental, economic, and cultural reasons.

The soil is fundamental to all terrestrial life on this planet. Our food and biodiversity start with the soil. The soil is not lifeless dirt – it is living, breathing, and teeming with life. The soil microbiome is our planet’s most complex and richest biodiversity area.

Farming practices that increase soil organic matter (SOM) increase soil fertility, water holding capacity, pest and disease resilience, and thus the productivity of agricultural systems. Because SOM comes from carbon dioxide fixed through photosynthesis, increasing SOM can significantly assist in reversing the climate crisis by drawing down this greenhouse gas.

The fact is our health and wealth come from the soil. However, our global regeneration movement is far more than this.

Regenerating our Degenerated Planet and Societies

We have much work to do. We live well beyond our planetary boundaries and extract far more than our planet can provide. As Dr. Vandana Shiva, one of our founders, puts it: “Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis, and the crisis of democracy.”

We must reverse the Climate Crisis, Migration Crisis, Biodiversity Crisis, Health Crisis, Food Crisis, Gender Crisis, and Media Crisis to regenerate our planet to have a better and fairer world.

More importantly, we must build a new regenerative system to replace the current degenerated system.

We have more than enough resources for everyone’s well-being. The world produces around three times more food than we need. We have unfair, exploitative, and wasteful systems that must be transformed and regenerated.

We must regenerate our societies and proactively ensure that others have access to land, education, healthcare, income, the commons, participation, inclusion, and empowerment. This must include women, men, and youths across all ethnic and racial groups.

We must take care of each other and regenerate our planet. We must take control and empower ourselves to be the agents of change. We must regenerate a world based on the Four Principles of Organic Agriculture: Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care.

Ronnie Cummins, one of our founders, wrote: “Never underestimate the power of one individual: yourself. But please understand, at the same time, that what we do as individuals will never be enough. We’ve got to get organized, and we’ve got to help others in our region, our nation, and everywhere build a mighty Green Regeneration Movement. The time to begin is now.”

U.S. Misuses Trade Pacts to Undermine Food Sovereignty

The following article is adapted from a presentation I gave November 30 at a remarkable conference on Mexico’s transition to agroecology held in Oaxaca, Mexico. More than 1,000 participants strongly backed the government’s efforts to move the country’s large and diverse agricultural sector towards ecological farming. They do so despite cynical efforts by the U.S. government to use trade agreements to advance U.S. commercial interests even if that undermines food security.

The dispute mounted by the U.S. government over Mexico’s policies to restrict the use of genetically modified corn is the latest example of the misuse of a trade agreement to impede social programs in Mexico and other countries. The U.S. government has been doing this for years.

It’s all about boosting exports. U.S. agricultural policies favor and encourage the overproduction of crops such as corn, soybeans and wheat. They depress prices, with supply regularly exceeding demand.


ONGs piden a México que contrademande a EU en conflicto de maíz transgénico

Organizaciones solicitaron al gobierno mexicano que contra demande a Estados Unidos por las importaciones de maíz transgénico al país, en el marco del Tratado comercial entre México, EU y Canadá (T-MEC).

Esto tras considerar que México no ha recibido los beneficios pactados en el T-MEC, debido a la ausencia de estudios científicos que garanticen que estos granos genéticamente modificado no representan riesgos o daños para el consumo humano.

La Asociación Nacional de Empresas Comercializadoras de Productores del Campo (ANEC, A.C.), el colectivo Demanda Colectiva Maíz y la Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay País (CNSMNHP) denunciaron que la academia, el gobierno de EU y la industria de biotecnología no han realizado estudios científicos, análisis o evaluación de riesgos que midan efectivamente los impactos y efectos sanitarios de la ingesta de este alimento.

Esto a pesar de que la carga de prueba es responsabilidad de las empresas de biotecnología y de las autoridades de EU, señalaron en un comunicado conjunto.


Activists Warn Post-COP28 Japan-ASEAN Summit Will Be Full of Greenwashing and Dangerous Distractions

The dust has barely settled following COP28’s historic agreement which sent a long overdue signal on the end of the fossil fuel era.

“After decades of evasion, COP28 finally cast a glaring spotlight on the real culprits of the climate crisis: fossil fuels. A long-overdue direction to move away from coal, oil, and gas has been set,” said Harjeet Singh, Head of Global Political Strategy at Climate Action Network International. “Yet, the resolution is marred by loopholes that offer the fossil fuel industry numerous escape routes, relying on unproven, unsafe technologies.”

The glaring loopholes in the COP28 agreement which activists say will allow the expansion and continued use of fossil fuels will likely be fully exploited this coming weekend as the embattled Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, embroiled in a corruption scandal, prepares to host Asia Pacific leaders for the ASEAN-Japan 50th anniversary commemorative summit and Asia Zero Emissions Community Summit in Tokyo. 


La agricultura regenerativa era una buena idea, hasta que las corporaciones se apoderaron de ella

Con el fin de mostrar compromiso con el cambio climático y la sustentabilidad, los gigantes de la alimentación y la agroindustria se han unido en torno al término “agricultura regenerativa”. Este término está ganando terreno en los círculos políticos, las conferencias de inversionistas y las estanterías de los supermercados, y es promovido de manera destacada en la COP28 de este año. Pero esto no es más que uno de los repetidos intentos por parte de estas corporaciones para debilitar el apoyo a la agroecología y consolidar aún más sus ganancias; todo esto en medio de múltiples crisis causadas por el modelo de agricultura industrial del cual éstas dependen.
La corporación anglo-holandesa Unilever es una de las empresas de alimentos más antigua y grande del mundo. Su extenso imperio se construyó sobre la base de fincas y plantaciones industriales productoras de aceite de palma, soja y té, entre otros cultivos destinados a abastecer sus fábricas.

Regenerative Ag Could Have Major Impact on Organics

Though a group of panelists agreed that organic farming practices must be the baseline for any official regenerative ag certification, one member of the panel said he does not expect that to happen. And all the members agreed that the regenerative ag movement could have a profound impact on agriculture and on the organic sector.

This informed panel of experts was speaking at the Organic Grower Summit, held in Monterey, California, November 29–30 and put on by Organic Produce Network and Western Growers.

Jessy Beckett Parr, chief program officer for California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) led off the questioning by asking each panelist where they stood regarding the role of organic farming in a regenerative ag certification. In fact, CCOF offers certification to the Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) standard, which requires the USDA organic certification as a prerequisite. But there are others in the movement that do not believe organic farming practices have to necessarily be followed to be labeled regenerative.