Entries by Soil Health Academy

Soil Health Champion Gabe Brown Featured on Commemorative Wheaties Box

A pioneering, regenerative agriculture farmer from Bismarck, North Dakota, Brown recently received the
commemorative box from the General Mills Sustainability Team. The
cover is a special tribute to Brown’s work as a regenerative agricultural advocate and educator. It is also
emblematic of the food giant’s renewed commitment to expand the use of soil health-improving
practices among General Mills’ cereal grain growers.

Elige FAO a México para impulsar agroecología y erradicar el hambre

El Gobierno de México debe contemplar en los programas que forman parte de su Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, el impulsar un modelo de producción agroecológico sustentable, que permita alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, planteados en la agenda 2030 de la ONU para erradicar la pobreza y hambre cero, y mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias campesinas.… Read more here

Some Ways to Frame “Regeneration”

Human activities have degraded ecosystems globally to the point that Earth is now in overshoot-and-collapse. We need to restore ecosystem functions in the coming decades in order to safeguard our collective future. This will require us to regenerate the environments on which we depend.

To Fix the Climate, We Have to Fix Our Soil

Decades of intensive agriculture and deforestation have degraded around half of the world’s soil, which is one of the most effective natural systems for sequestering carbon. Soil scientist Asmeret Asefaw Berhe argues in a TED talk that we need to stop treating soil like dirt.

Grassland Ecology 101 for Vegans and Synthetic Meat Marketers

The Big Lie you have been told over and over is that plant-based foods will save the environment. Don’t eat meat! But notice that Mother Earth disagrees. She needs those animals, whether humans eat them or not. The Big Lie depends on you dismissing the natural laws of grassland ecology and focusing solely on industrial livestock practices.

Belice: transitando hacia la regeneración

Belmopan: “la ciudad Jardín” fue el escenario de la Primera Conferencia Anual de Agricultura Tropical del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2018, a la que acudieron personas dedicadas a la agroecología, agroforestería, apicultura, ganadería, aves de corral, semillas tradicionales, plantas medicinales, huertos urbanos y rurales, junto con integrantes de la comunidad científica, líderes internacionales de proyectos regenerativos e integrantes del ministerio de agricultura y recursos naturales de Belice.

Andrea Asch: Healthy Soils, Healthy Farms

Increasing soil fertility often relies on removing carbon from the atmosphere and putting it back into the ground improving the health of the soil. While there is a limit as to how much carbon can be stored in soils, there is a pressing need to protect and strengthen soils on a national and global scale, to strengthen agriculture and to address climate change.

Will Soil Save Us? Carbon Sequestration Through Agriculture

A handful of living soil resembles a sponge, full of air, water, organic matter and minerals. It is the interaction of all of these biological processes on which our future depends, because the more alive our soils, the more carbon dioxide is drawn out of the atmosphere and sequestered.

El Green New Deal de Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: cómo es el ambicioso plan contra el cambio climático de la congresista más joven de EE.UU.

Aunque el Nuevo Acuerdo Verde hace hincapié en el combate al cambio climático, también propone una transformación del sistema económico “para lograr mayor justicia social, económica y racial en Estados Unidos”.

El plan parte de las recientes advertencias de los científicos sobre el impacto que tendrá sobre la Tierra el aumento de la temperatura en dos grados centígrados este siglo, por encima de niveles preindustriales.