Entries by Mariana Jaroslavsky

Al compostar estamos devolviéndole suelo a la Tierra

Entrevista a María Julia Mazzarino, integrante de la Asociación Argentina de Compostaje y especialista en suelos. Cómo es la evolución de los nutrientes, los efectos de la contaminación, las consecuencias del agro y la ganadería, la posibilidad de «crear suelo» para devolverlo al planeta.

Are Corporate Claims of Regenerative Agriculture Real?

Regenerative agriculture could save the world. But like so many good ideas, corporate marketing teams are already coopting regenerative agriculture into a meaningless buzzword. What is regenerative agriculture really? And how can you as a consumer separate the green from the greenwashed?

Regenerative Farming Is Vital to Ensure Food Security

The past year has shown us the importance of health as the world battles the Covid-19 pandemic. But, it is crucial to also not forget the health of our planet which is in crisis caused by climate change and the collapse of biodiversity as a result of exploitation of our natural resources.