Entries by Brian Kateman

Down Under

As Australians grapple with the consequences of the fires in upcoming months and embark on the necessary journey of regenerating themselves and their land, Astralian sheep farm owner Colin Seis is setting a good example by re-hydrating and re-carbonizing the soil .

Ganadería regenerativa

La Ganadería Regenerativa consiste en comprender cómo funciona la Naturaleza en su estado primitivo y aplicar sus equilibrios y procesos naturales en los ecosistemas pastoriles, modificados o no.

Carbon Gardening: A Natural Climate Solution that Can Help Reduce CO2 Emissions While Restoring Biodiversity

Organic carbon sequestration is one of the oldest tricks in nature’s ancient playbook for global ecosystem regulation. These days, as we search for ways to pull excess carbon out of the atmosphere in order to mitigate global warming, new attention has focused on “natural climate solutions,” or managing land for carbon sequestration by conserving and restoring ecosystems and changing agricultural and gardening practices.

From Sustainable to Regenerative: Bold Business Moves to Transform the Agriculture System

The 2020s herald a pivotal chance to deliver on our great climate, environment and development challenges, and the scale and pace of change will require truly transformative thinking. We will need to move beyond efficiency and doing less harm, and base strategies on new goals that ensure business success also meets the needs of people and the planet. It’s time to step up a gear or three on our journey toward a sustainable future. But what does this mean for how we do business?

Un uso apropiado de la tierra podría reducir drásticamente las emisiones globales

El uso de la tierra es ampliamente conocido como un factor importante detrás del cambio climático. Un nuevo documento proporciona una hoja de ruta ambiciosa para los cambios en el manejo forestal, la agricultura y la bioenergía para garantizar que los aumentos de temperatura global se mantengan por debajo del objetivo de calentamiento de 1.5 ° C.